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Helleborus foetidus NCG 309 Helleborus foetidus
Stinking Hellebore

The flowers of this interesting, shade-loving plant are very soft, pale green, sometimes with a red margin and are leathery in texture. It is a haven for hibernating ladybirds, which can be found nestling in and around the flowers all winter.

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Hieracium maculatum Syn spilophaeum 'Leopard' NCG 577 Hieracium maculatum Syn spilophaeum 'Leopard'
Spotted hawkweed

An unusual and decorative addition to the front of the border, this variegated form of hawkweed (usually considered a weed!) produces a low rosette of intricately blotched, dark red-brown and blue-green leaves, above which nod small, yellow daisy-like flowers on tall, wiry stems. It is for the foliage that this…

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Hosta syn. funkia x hybrida NCG 472 Hosta syn. funkia x hybrida
Hosta, mixed

The seeds offered were mostly from the variety illustrated, but from a couple of others too. In any case, they are very unlikely to come true, but it could be fun to see that they produce and you may even discover some unique variations of this attractive shade-loving plant!

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Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' NCG 251 Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Hydrangea 'Annabelle', Smooth hydrangea, Wild hydrangea, Sevenbark

I've never known anyone unfamiliar with this delightful plant not to request it when they see it in bloom in the garden! The domed flower heads are composed of masses of small blooms, lime green at first, turning creamy-white (and almost spherical) when in full bloom and a lovely parchment…

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Hyoscyamus niger NCG 026 Hyoscyamus niger
Black Henbane, Stinking Nightshade

Black henbane produces soft, downy leaves and strange, but beautiful, pale creamy-yellow flowers intricately veined in purple. The seed pods are also rather attractive; they have a little round lid which falls off when the pods are ripe, releasing the seeds. All parts of the plant are toxic.

The whole plant…

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Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' NCG 579 Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver'
Spotted dead nettle 'Beacon Silver'

This lovely, low-growing ground cover plant has a spreading habit, but is relatively easy to keep in check. The heavily marked foliage is delightful, and the plant has the added bonus of pink flowers. Best grown in shade or part-shade and will happily tolerate both dry and wet soils.

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Lamium Syn. Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. Argentatum 'Herman's Pride' NCG 439 Lamium Syn. Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. Argentatum 'Herman's Pride'
Variegated Yellow Archangel 'Herman's Pride'

A small, variegated nettle with spikes of yellow flowers. A good choice for woodland planting or at the front of shady borders.

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Lathyrus chloranthus NCG 033 Lathyrus chloranthus
Yellow Sweet Pea

An unusual species sweet pea, the small, unscented flowers are green-yellow. I often grow them up loose wigwams made from buddelia sticks inserted into large tubs, underplanted with lobelia, small antirrhinums and perhaps a lantana in the middle. They are also happy scrambling up trellis.

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Ledebouria socialis NCG 558 Ledebouria socialis
Silver squill, Purple squill, South African Scilla, Leopard Lily

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Lupinus arboreus alba NCG 494 Lupinus arboreus alba
White Tree Lupin

This variety of tree lupin bears masses of beautiful white flower spikes in early summer. Although generally short-lived, plants produced from early-spring sowings can attain 2m in their first year, so casualties can be replaced very easily.

NOTE: Externally sourced seeds.

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Maianthemum dilatatum NCG 299 Maianthemum dilatatum
False Lily-of-the-Valley

False Lily-of-the-Valley has beautiful, heart-shaped, mid-green leaves, which are shiny and textured with deep veins. Slender spikes bearing waxy, creamy-white blooms appear in Spring and early Summer, followed by green berries, which later turn translucent red. Prefers shade and nitrogen-rich soil, making this a good plant for underplanting in woodland…

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Melothria scabra NCG 726 Melothria scabra

Looking for all the world like miniature watermelons, these bite-sized cucumbers are full of flavour, with a hint of lime! Usually grown as an annual, but see growing instructions below.

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Nicotiana alata 'Lime Green' AGM NCG 365 Nicotiana alata 'Lime Green' AGM
Jasmine tobacco, Sweet tobacco, Winged tobacco, lime green

A most unusual take on the familiar tobacco plant, this variety produces masses of rich, acid-green flowers. Mine are planted in a fairly shady area where they do very well, adding a touch of brightness throughout the summer and well into autumn. A good cut flower if you can bear…

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Ocimum basilicum 'Sweet Genovese' (Organic) NCG 209 Ocimum basilicum 'Sweet Genovese' (Organic)
Basil 'Sweet Genovese'

Almost everyone must be familiar with this very aromatic basil variety, with its large, green cushion-leaved foliage. For companion planting enthusiasts, basil is said to encourage the growth of tomatoes, peppers and chillies (and of course it is also a perfect companion in the kitchen for these and many other…

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Panicum elegans 'Frosted Explosion' NCG 002 Panicum elegans 'Frosted Explosion'
Switch grass 'Frosted Explosion'

As the seed heads emerge, they resemble fibre optics! Lovely plant for floral arrangements. Remove seedheads if you don't want the grass to self seed, but unlike some grasses is not difficult to control - roots are shallow so young, unwanted plants can be removed easily.

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Persicaria virginiana var. filiformis 'Lance Corporal' NCG 498 Persicaria virginiana var. filiformis 'Lance Corporal'
Virginia knotweed, Jumpseed 'Lance Corporal'

An interesting shrubby perennial with strong, v-shaped markings (looking rather like bats), which are dark brownish-red - sometimes almost black - on a bright green ground. In the autumn delicate spikes of bright-crimson flowers appear on thin, wiry stems. Although it is recommended to grow in part or full shade…

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Petroselinum crispum var. crispum NCG 153 Petroselinum crispum var. crispum
Curly Leaved Parsley

This variety of parsley forms bright green clumps of tightly crinkled leaves. No doubt everyone will be familiar with its use as a garnish in diverse situations (including, traditionally, the butcher's shop window - although often as plastic replicas!) and as a vital ingredient in stocks, soups and stews. Parsley…

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Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum AGM NCG 041 Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum AGM
Flat-leaved parsley

Sow wherever you have spare ground that retains moisture and provides some shade and you will have an almost continual supply of this verstile, vitamin C-packed herb throughout most of the year. A ridiculously simple, refreshing and healthy salad idea: finely chop a large handful of parsley and mix with…

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Phytolacca acinosa Syn. esculenta NCG 201 Phytolacca acinosa Syn. esculenta
Indian Pokeweed, Inkberry, Pidgeonberry

Although invariably referred to as American pokeweed (P. decandra Syn. americana), the variety seen in UK gardens is almost certainly Indian pokeweed (P. asinosa Syn. esculenta). Both look very similar, but P. acinosa has vertical, upright inflorescences, whilst P. americana has lax, dangling, flower stems, with single, spherical fruits on…

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Pseudofumaria alba  subsp. acaulis Syn. Corydalis ochroleuca NCG 832 Pseudofumaria alba subsp. acaulis Syn. Corydalis ochroleuca
Pale corydalis

Creamy flowers appear in spring and continue throughout the summer, above beautiful light-green divided foliage. Generally a short-lived perennial, but gently self-seeds.

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