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Acanthus spinosus NCG 001 Acanthus spinosus
Bear's Britches

This stately, dramatic plant is happiest in full sun, but will also tolerate deep shade. Very useful cut flower, both fresh and dried. The flower spikes, with white blooms with purple bracts, appear above deeply divided dark green foliage.

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Acer griseum AGM NCG 080 Acer griseum AGM
Paper Bark Maple

A small to medium sized ornamental tree which lends interest to the garden at all times of year. Small, yellow flowers appear in spring, followed by fresh green foliage in spring and summer, then spectacular orange, red and pink autumn foliage in autumn. At all times of year the chestnut-red…

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Achillea millefolium NCG 233 Achillea millefolium
Common Yarrow, Milfoil

A plant of many names! It has variously been called, Devil's Nettle, Hundred-leaved Grass, Lace Plant, Milfoil, Nose Pepper, Nosebleed, Sanguinarya and Soldier's Woundwort (to name just a few), some clearly referring to its medicinal properties, others to its appearance. Whilst many cultivars are available, this wild flower is white…

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Achillea millefolium, Pink NCG 638 Achillea millefolium, Pink
Pink yarrow

A cultivar of the familiar white or cream wild flower, with flat heads of tiny, deep-pink blooms with white eyes, held on wiry stems clothed in very fine, ferny, dark-green foliage. Attractive to bees, hoverflies and other beneficial insects.

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Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl' NCG 456 Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl'
Sneezewort 'The Pearl'

'The Pearl' produces sprays of small, white, double flowers on wiry stems about 24 inches/60cm high, with narrow, toothed leaves. A spreading plant which is not too difficult to control in lighter soils. The blooms tend to last longer if the plant is sited in part shade, but full sunlight…

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Acis Syn. Leucojum autumnalis Syn. autumnale NCG 399 Acis Syn. Leucojum autumnalis Syn. autumnale
Autumn Snowflake

Little white nodding bells on slender, red stems appear from late summer above bright-green, grass-like foliage. This is an attractive and unusual plant for the front of the border or in containers. Although said to prefer full sun, mine are in part shade and flourish there. Classified as half hardy,…

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Aconitum Carmichaelii Var. arendsii NCG 129 Aconitum Carmichaelii Var. arendsii
Autumn-flowering monkshood, Chinese aconite

Full description to come, but please note: All parts of the plant are extremely toxic - it is highly advisable to wear gloves when handling and to wash hands if accidentally touched.

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Acorus  gramineus 'Ogon' NCG 722 Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'
Golden Japanese rush, Variegated slender sweet flag

Although strictly speaking a marginal pond plant, this small and attractive grass-like plant will grow successfully in almost any reasonable, moist soil - in fact it seems quite content in quite dry spots in my garden. It produces strongly variegated, green and yellow, fan-shaped tufts of stiff, aromatic foliage and…

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Actaea simplex 'Black Negligee' NCG 756 Actaea simplex 'Black Negligee'
Baneberry, Bugbane

Formerly known as Cimicifuga racemosa, this tall, dynamic plant produces bold cut foliage of a deep burgundy colour - almost black. Racemes of tiny, white or pinkish flowers appear on tall, arching stems in summer. Highly recommended.

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Adenophora latifolia 'Amethyst' NCG 224 Adenophora latifolia 'Amethyst'

Sometimes confused with campanula, to which it is related, this plant is more delicate. It has nodding bells in a lovely soft shade of violet-blue, borne on straight stems with dark-green toothed foliage.

NOTE: The plants have a rather scrambling root system and are difficult to split tidily.…

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Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' NCG 499 Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop'
Tree aeonium, Tree houseleek, Irish rose

Description coming soon.

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Agapanthus campanulatus var. albidus NCG 087 Agapanthus campanulatus var. albidus
White bell agapanthus

Given the right conditions - full sun and rich, moisture retentive but well-drained soil, this deciduous form of Agapanthus will reward with lovely white blooms above bright green strap-like leaves, particularly if fed regularly. A good choice for large containers, but must be kept well-watered. Generally hardy, but may benefit…

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Agastache foeniculum NCG 700 Agastache foeniculum
Anise hyssop, Licorice mint

Soft spikes of blue flowers adorn this pretty perennial wildflower throughout the summer, above strong stems with dark-green, nettle-like leaves. All parts of the plant have a strong scent of aniseed. Also known as Agastache foeniculum or Lophanthus anisatus.

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Agrostemma githago Syn. nicaeense NCG 639 Agrostemma githago Syn. nicaeense
Corncockle, Bastard nigella, Corn pink. Joy of love

This delightful annual wildflower has pink, five-petalled flowers surrounding by elongated calyxes, on strong, upright stems with narrow leaves. Should happily self-seed but unwanted plants are not difficult to remove.

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Ajuga reptans NCG 420 Ajuga reptans
Common bugle, Blue bugle, Carpetweed

Creeping bugle is a low-growing, evergreen plant that is useful to provide ground cover or to grow between paving stones. It produces spikes of rich blue/purple flowers in Spring, above dark, sometimes almost black, foliage.

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Alcea rosea Ex. 'Jet Black' NCG 302 Alcea rosea Ex. 'Jet Black'
Hollyhock, Ex. 'Jet Black'

Deepest, deepest red-purple - as close to black as you can get! Although strictly speaking a perennial, this very popular cottage garden plant is best treated as a biennial, particularly since it can be susceptible to rust. These are very tall plants and some support is recommended.

NOTE: Since…

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Alcea rosea, mixed NCG 005 Alcea rosea, mixed
Hollyhock, single

I am offering here not only mixed-colour seeds but a selection of packets containing seed collected from individual plants that I thought particularly pretty, but they cannot be guaranteed to come true. (NOTE: Seeds from black hollyhock are listed separately.)

Although strictly speaking a perennial, this very popular cottage…

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Alcea rugosa NCG 590 Alcea rugosa
Russian hollyhock, Yellow fig-leaved hollyhock

Hollyhocks, although strictly speaking perennials, are usually grown as biennials, chiefly because they are susceptible to rust. However, this pale-yellow-flowered variety, with fig-leaf shaped foliage, is said to be a true perennial, being less prone to rust. The flowers are distinctive in that, unlike other hollyhocks, they have a lobed…

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Alchemilla alpina NCG 585 Alchemilla alpina
Alpine lady's mantle

My favourite alchemilla - the delicate, deeply cut, silver edged leaves of this small plant are altogether more refined than those of other varieties. Lovely at the front of the border and useful in containers. Sprays of tiny yellow-green flowers on wiry stems appear in spring and summer.

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Alchemilla erythropoda AGM NCG 313 Alchemilla erythropoda AGM
Dwarf lady's mantle

Much daintier than the familiar Alchemilla mollis, this miniature variety looks lovely at the front of the border or in containers. Sprays of tiny yellow-green flowers on short, wiry, reddish stems appear in spring and summer.

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