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Campanula takesimana NCG 356 Campanula takesimana
Korean bellflower

This lovely campanula bears drooping, tubular bells an inch or more long, coloured soft pink fading to white at the tips, in mid-summer. The leaves, which form an attractive basal rosette, are rich-green, heart-shaped, slightly glossy and serrated.

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Campsis radicans NCG 677 Campsis radicans
Trumpet vine

Sold out, but I can usually source young plants direct from the garden to order, so please contact me if you are interested in purchasing.

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Capsicum annum, Ramiro NCG 626 Capsicum annum, Ramiro
Sweet Horn Pepper, Ramiro

Long fruits with a rich, sweet flavour. Fully ripe, red, fruits are sweeter than those that are still green. If it is necessary to harvest green peppers at the end of the season, they can be placed on a warm, sunny window sill to ripen.

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Capsicum annuum NCG 100 Capsicum annuum
Sweet Pepper, Bell Pepper

A blocky-shaped fruit with a mild, sweet flavour. Fully ripe, red, fruits are sweeter than those that are still green. If it is necessary to harvest green peppers at the end of the season, they can be placed on a warm, sunny window sill to ripen.

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Capsicum frutescens - Bird Eye NCG 101 Capsicum frutescens - Bird Eye
Bird Eye Chilli

A small, medium-hot chilli with a thin skin which dries easily, but for fresh chillies all year round, keep a a pot indoors by a warm, sunny window during the winter. Prune the plant in spring to encourage new, bushy growth. It is possible to keep chilli plants for a…

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Carex comans 'Bronze' NCG 216 Carex comans 'Bronze'
New Zealand hair sedge

This very attractive grass, 12 inches high and 12-18 inches in diameter, forms a soft tussock of very narrow, chestnut-red leaves in spring. These fade somewhat as the season progresses and in summer many delicate flower/seed spikes are produced. The soft, rounded 'cushion' of this grass was a magnet for…

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Catananche caerulea bicolor NCG 567 Catananche caerulea bicolor
White Cupid's Dart

This pretty plant produces a basal rosette of narrow, grey-green leaves, above which wiry stems rise in summer, topped with white flowers with violet-blue eyes. The papery seedheads are very attractive and are useful for dried flower arrangements.

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Cenolophium denudatum NCG 705 Cenolophium denudatum
Baltic parsley

Although somewhat similar to cow parsley (but bushier), both flowers and foliage of this attractive hardy perennial are more refined. A very useful filler plant for flower arrangers. There is a similar annual plant, Ammi majus, that is perhaps easier for direct sowing, but is rather coarser in…

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Centaurea  macrocephala NCG 013 Centaurea macrocephala
Giant Knapweed

Visitors to the garden often fall in love with this plant, which forms a large clump and has large spherical buds opening to clear yellow flowers surrounded by unusual, papery brown bracts. The mature seed heads are a natural 'barometer', opening and closing according to humidity.

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Centaurea montana NCG 014 Centaurea montana
Perennial cornflower, Mountain bluet

This wildflower has been a popular garden plant for generations. Rich blue with a reddish-purple centre, it makes a good cut flower for smaller arrangements and posies. Dead-head regularly to promote fresh blooms. The plant has a lax habit, so either cut long stems back by half to discourage legginess…

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Centranthus ruber NCG 092 Centranthus ruber

A classic cottage garden plant with delicate sprays of white, pink or red flowers held above grey green foliage. Perfectly happy in poor, stony, chalky soil, but is will tolerate other more-or-less neutral soil types. Although a perennial, perhaps better treated as a biennial as older plants tend to become…

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Cephalaria gigantea NCG 353 Cephalaria gigantea
Giant scabious, Yellow scabious

This stunning perennial scabious is perfect for the back of the border as it can grow as high as 2.5m. Blooming during the summer, the strongly textured flowers are a delicate pale yellow.

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Cerastium tomentosum NCG 438 Cerastium tomentosum
Snow-in-Summer, White rock flower

This evergreen, mat-forming perennial has small, grey-green leaves and produces a veritable carpet of small white blooms in late spring through to early summer. A wonderful plant to grow at the front of borders or tumbling over walls. It requires very free-draining soil as it does not like its roots…

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Cerinthe major var. purpurascens NCG 094 Cerinthe major var. purpurascens
Cerinthe, Honeywort, Blue shrimp plant

Deep purple, almost indigo, clusters of bells dangle above attractive glaucous, grey-green foliage. This wildflower is much loved by bees and butterflies. It self-seeds happily (but not invasively) in the gravel patio area in my garden, where it looks charming.

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Chaenomeles  speciosa 'Geisha Girl' AGM NCG 086 Chaenomeles speciosa 'Geisha Girl' AGM
Ornamental Quince

A very attractive and useful hardy, semi-evergreen shrub with masses of soft peach flowers in Spring. Easy to grow and well worth trying. Flowers are nectar-rich so attractive to bees. Also makes a good hedging plant.

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Chamaemelum syn. Anthemis nobile syn. nobilis 'Flore Pleno' NCG 320 Chamaemelum syn. Anthemis nobile syn. nobilis 'Flore Pleno'
Double flowered Chamomile

Delightful in all respects, this highly scented double-flowered form of perennial chamomile has feathery leaves and inch-wide, creamy-white blooms. Best planted in containers or at the edge of borders, where, when brushed against, both leaves and flowers release their strong, sweet, apple-like fragrance. NOTE: Depending on season, plants are sometimes…

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Chasmanthium Syn. uniola latifolium NCG 235 Chasmanthium Syn. uniola latifolium
Northern Sea Oats, Spangle Grass

The photograph really does not do this delightful grass justice! Growing to a maximum of a metre or so (usually somewhat less), the erect stems resemble miniature bamboo in their growth habit. The seed heads are, however, quite different, being delicate, flat, diamond shapes - almost like spear heads -…

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Chelidonium majus NCG 952 Chelidonium majus
Greater celandine

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Chrysanthemum rubellum 'Mrs Jessie Cooper' NCG 423 Chrysanthemum rubellum 'Mrs Jessie Cooper'
Chrysanthemum 'Mrs Jessie Cooper'

Chrysanthemums have never been my favourite plants, but this one is an exception! A very hardy variety, this compact plant has dark-green, lobed foliage which contrasts well with the deep-pink, narrow-petalled flowers that appear from summer right through to late autumn. Chrysanthemums are good companion plants as they contain the…

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Chrysanthemum x hortorum 'Mei-kyo' NCG 774 Chrysanthemum x hortorum 'Mei-kyo'
Winteraster 'Mei-kyo'

A beautiful late-autumn flowering spray chrysanthemum, with masses of dusky pink, double flowers above dark green foliage.

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Ornamental grasses
Vegetables, fruit and herbs
Wildlife friendly
Trees and shrubs
