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Agrostemma githago Syn. nicaeense NCG 639 Agrostemma githago Syn. nicaeense
Corncockle, Bastard nigella, Corn pink. Joy of love

This delightful annual wildflower has pink, five-petalled flowers surrounding by elongated calyxes, on strong, upright stems with narrow leaves. Should happily self-seed but unwanted plants are not difficult to remove.

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Alcea rosea Ex. 'Jet Black' NCG 302 Alcea rosea Ex. 'Jet Black'
Hollyhock, Ex. 'Jet Black'

Deepest, deepest red-purple - as close to black as you can get! Although strictly speaking a perennial, this very popular cottage garden plant is best treated as a biennial, particularly since it can be susceptible to rust. These are very tall plants and some support is recommended.

NOTE: Since…

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Alcea rosea, mixed NCG 005 Alcea rosea, mixed
Hollyhock, single

I am offering here not only mixed-colour seeds but a selection of packets containing seed collected from individual plants that I thought particularly pretty, but they cannot be guaranteed to come true. (NOTE: Seeds from black hollyhock are listed separately.)

Although strictly speaking a perennial, this very popular cottage…

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Alcea rugosa NCG 590 Alcea rugosa
Russian hollyhock, Yellow fig-leaved hollyhock

Hollyhocks, although strictly speaking perennials, are usually grown as biennials, chiefly because they are susceptible to rust. However, this pale-yellow-flowered variety, with fig-leaf shaped foliage, is said to be a true perennial, being less prone to rust. The flowers are distinctive in that, unlike other hollyhocks, they have a lobed…

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Alonsoa warscewiczii syn. meridionalis NCG 451 Alonsoa warscewiczii syn. meridionalis
Mask flower

A native of Peru, this is one of my favourite discoveries! The stems of this tender perennial are strong and wiry and the small leaves are a rich green. The flowers, which are about an inch across and rich vermillion-red, opening from sweet little pouch-like buds, are produced in profusion…

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Ammi majus NCG 088 Ammi majus
False Bishop's Weed, Herb William

Rather like cow parsley, but both flowers and foliage are much finer. This annual is a very useful filler plant for flower arrangers and is very attractive to bees. Plant en masse for best effect. A similar, but less well known plant (in my opinion far superior, and a perennial…

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Antirrhinum majus Ex. tall, red NCG 188 Antirrhinum majus Ex. tall, red
Snapdragon, Ex. tall, deep-red

Although a perennial, antirrhinums are usually treated as annuals. These seeds were collected from particularly tall, velvety-red plants. Since other antirrhinums are grown in the garden I cannot guarantee that all will breed true.

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Antirrhinum majus ssp. tortuosum NCG 283 Antirrhinum majus ssp. tortuosum
Greater Snapdragon

The seeds of this unusual variety of antirrhinum were collected in the Rif Mountains, Morocco. The plant has a rather lax, sprawling habit and bright, purplish-red blooms, Although a perennial, antirrhinums are usually treated as annuals, but you can try cutting them back from late autumn to early spring.

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Antirrhinum majus, mixed NCG 008 Antirrhinum majus, mixed
Snapdragon, mixed

Although usually perennial, antirrhinums are generally treated as annuals. This is a mixture in many colours and heights, from medium-sized to dwarf (usually distinguishable early in their lives by small leaves, and tending to a trailing habit, making them a useful in hanging baskets). A children's favourite! NOTE: Separate colours…

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Argemone mexicana NCG 010 Argemone mexicana
Mexican Poppy, Prickly Poppy

This unusual and attractive late-flowering plant with distinctive vareigated and prickly leaves is drought tolerant. The poppy-like, papery lemon-yellow blooms have red-orange centres and are a welcome sight at a time of year when other flowers are saying their goodbyes. Watch out! All parts of the plant are, true to…

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Barbarea verna NCG 091 Barbarea verna
American land cress, Winter Cress, Wild Rocket

Perhaps the best thing about wild rocket is that (as its other common name makes clear!) it produces lush foliage at times when other salad plants are not available. Its strong, pungent flavour is not dissimilar to water cress. Finely chopped, it makes an interesting addition to sandwiches. Treat as…

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Bidens ferulifolia 'Golden Goddess' NCG 207 Bidens ferulifolia 'Golden Goddess'
Bidens 'Golden Goddess'

A taller variety than the familiar hanging basket and container Bidens, this bright and cheery plant looks lovely planted en masse in the hot bed, alongside other orange and yellow-flowering plants such as Cosmos polidor and Tagetes tenuifolia. The foliage is very attractive too - finely divided leaves are a…

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Borago officinalis, Blue NCG 593 Borago officinalis, Blue
Borage, Blue

Borage is edible - the flowers, which have a flavour reminiscent of cucumber, can be added to summer drinks or as a garnish on salads and other cold dishes. The leaves can also be added, wilted, to Mediterranean recipes such as pasta sauces and to ravioli stuffing. Borage is very…

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Bupleurum rotundifolium 'Griffithii' NCG 171 Bupleurum rotundifolium 'Griffithii'
Common Hare's Ear

A very useful filler both in the flower beds and in flower arrangements (fresh or dried), this plant resembles euphorbia, but without the irritating, milky sap. The foliage is bluish-green and the tiny flowers a vivid yellow-green. Gently self-seeds.

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Calendula officinalis NCG 049 Calendula officinalis
Pot Marigold

One of the most recognisable and popular cottage garden plants, this Calendula mixture will light up the garden for many months with an abundance of yellow and orange blooms, some double. Makes a nice addition to small flower arrangements, so cut often to encourage repeat flowering and to keep the…

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Calendula officinalis 'Sunset Buff' NCG 551 Calendula officinalis 'Sunset Buff'
Pot marigold 'Sunset Buff'

A variation on one of the most recognisable and popular cottage garden plants, 'Sunset Buff' produces double (and perhaps the occasional single) flowers in soft, peachy tones with red backs. Makes a nice addition to small flower arrangements, so cut often to encourage repeat flowering and to keep the plants…

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Capsicum annum, Ramiro NCG 626 Capsicum annum, Ramiro
Sweet Horn Pepper, Ramiro

Long fruits with a rich, sweet flavour. Fully ripe, red, fruits are sweeter than those that are still green. If it is necessary to harvest green peppers at the end of the season, they can be placed on a warm, sunny window sill to ripen.

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Capsicum annuum NCG 100 Capsicum annuum
Sweet Pepper, Bell Pepper

A blocky-shaped fruit with a mild, sweet flavour. Fully ripe, red, fruits are sweeter than those that are still green. If it is necessary to harvest green peppers at the end of the season, they can be placed on a warm, sunny window sill to ripen.

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Capsicum frutescens - Bird Eye NCG 101 Capsicum frutescens - Bird Eye
Bird Eye Chilli

A small, medium-hot chilli with a thin skin which dries easily, but for fresh chillies all year round, keep a a pot indoors by a warm, sunny window during the winter. Prune the plant in spring to encourage new, bushy growth. It is possible to keep chilli plants for a…

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Cerinthe major var. purpurascens NCG 094 Cerinthe major var. purpurascens
Cerinthe, Honeywort, Blue shrimp plant

Deep purple, almost indigo, clusters of bells dangle above attractive glaucous, grey-green foliage. This wildflower is much loved by bees and butterflies. It self-seeds happily (but not invasively) in the gravel patio area in my garden, where it looks charming.

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