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Panicum elegans 'Frosted Explosion' NCG 002 Panicum elegans 'Frosted Explosion'
Switch grass 'Frosted Explosion'

As the seed heads emerge, they resemble fibre optics! Lovely plant for floral arrangements. Remove seedheads if you don't want the grass to self seed, but unlike some grasses is not difficult to control - roots are shallow so young, unwanted plants can be removed easily.

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Papaver  cambricum NCG 036 Papaver cambricum
Welsh Poppy

This beautiful wild flower has clear yellow flowers - often with crinkled petals - and bright green foliage that lights up dark areas. Ours found their place under the apple trees. Recently renamed from Meconopsis cambrica.

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Papaver paeoniflorum 'Scarlet Peony' NCG 374 Papaver paeoniflorum 'Scarlet Peony'
Peony Poppy 'Scarlet Peony'

Lovely red frilly pom-poms on tall, strong stems make this a wonderful cut flower.

Note: Externally sourced seeds.

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Papaver rhoeas - various NCG 096 Papaver rhoeas - various
Poppy Mixture

This is a mixture of Field, Ladybird (black-eyed), white-eyed and possibly other similar poppies. Most will be red, but there may be the occasional deep pink or pastel variety. They look lovely planted in drifts towards the front of the border.

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Papaver somniferum, Ex. white, single NCG 473 Papaver somniferum, Ex. white, single
Opium Poppy, white, single

This variant of the opium poppy has pure white blooms, usually single, with perhaps an occasional double or semi-double. These seeds are harvested from white plants, but other colours grow nearby. Although these are removed as soon as identified to help prevent cross-pollination, it cannot be guaranteed that all these…

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Papaver somniferum, red, single NCG 040 Papaver somniferum, red, single
Opium Poppy, red, single

Harvested from deep-coral-pink plants with a darker eye and occasional fringes, but although common varieties growing near these were removed as soon as identified, it cannot be guaranteed that all these seeds will breed true - however, a very reasonable proportion should do so.

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Papaver somniferum, single, mauve NCG 330 Papaver somniferum, single, mauve
Opium Poppy, single, mauve

The flowers of the familiar opium poppy are often pale purple-pink, but are quite variable, with colours varying from almost white to dark purple-pink and sometimes shades of salmon-pink. The darkness of the blotch at the centre of the flowers can also be variable. The seeds of are widely used…

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Petroselinum crispum var. crispum NCG 153 Petroselinum crispum var. crispum
Curly Leaved Parsley

This variety of parsley forms bright green clumps of tightly crinkled leaves. No doubt everyone will be familiar with its use as a garnish in diverse situations (including, traditionally, the butcher's shop window - although often as plastic replicas!) and as a vital ingredient in stocks, soups and stews. Parsley…

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Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum AGM NCG 041 Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum AGM
Flat-leaved parsley

Sow wherever you have spare ground that retains moisture and provides some shade and you will have an almost continual supply of this verstile, vitamin C-packed herb throughout most of the year. A ridiculously simple, refreshing and healthy salad idea: finely chop a large handful of parsley and mix with…

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Phacelia Symphony NCG 208 Phacelia Symphony
Phacelia 'Symphony'

A hardy annual which flowers for many months, producing hundreds of pretty, blue or white star-shaped flowers on rather lax stems bearing attractive, lobed, mid-green foliage. Works well planted at the front of the border and allowed to spill over to soften the edge. Also good as underplanting in large…

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Phaseolus vulgaris 'Lingua di Fuoco Nano' (dwarf) NCG 493 Phaseolus vulgaris 'Lingua di Fuoco Nano' (dwarf)
Borlotto (Borlotti) Bean 'Lingua di Fuoco Nano'

Both strikingly attractive and delicious, Borlotto beans, with their soft-red and creamy-white markings, sweet flavour and creamy texture, can be used both in casseroles or as an addition to salads. (There is no need to soak fresh beans before cooking, but if you intend to dry and store your crop,…

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Ricinus  communis 'Impala' NCG 042 Ricinus communis 'Impala'
Castor oil plant

A stunning and exotic specimen plant with large palmate leaves, coloured from dark green to red-bronze. The creamy-yellow flower spikes, whilst attractive, are not as interesting as the spiky maroon-red seed pods. In warmer climates ricinus can grow to the size of a small tree up to 15ft high, but…

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Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm' NCG 079 Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm'
Black-eyed Susan, Coneflower, Gloriosa Daisy

This perennial Rudbeckia is a trouble-free plant that makes a stunning statement when planted en masse in the hot bed! The deep yellow flowers with black eyes stand on tall, wiry stems and are a very useful cut flower. Prefers full sun but will tolerte part shade.

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Rudbeckia x hirta 'Caramel Mixed' NCG 043 Rudbeckia x hirta 'Caramel Mixed'
Black-eyed Susan, Coneflower, Gloriosa Daisy 'Caramel Mixed'

This rudbeckia mixture will produce double blooms in soft but warm shades of amber, copper and burnt rose, with a distinctive cone at the centre. The blooms stand on tall, wiry stems and make good cut flowers. A stunning addition to the hot bed! Prefers full sun but will tolerate…

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Salvia patens 'Oxford Blue' NCG 453 Salvia patens 'Oxford Blue'
Gentian Sage 'Oxford Blue'

The showy, clear blue flowers of this salvia are the most beautiful of the sage family! Grow en masse for best effect. Makes a good cut flower if you can bear to cut it.

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Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Beaujolais Bonnets' NCG 697 Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Beaujolais Bonnets'
Pincushion flower 'Beaujolais Bonnets'

This attractive perennial is bushy plant growing to a height of around 24 inches/60 cm. It has intricately divided foliage and produces masses of small flowers with deep-burgundy centres surrounded by paler petals, borne on wiry stems. Attractive to butterflies and other pollinating insects and makes a good cut flower.

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Silene syn. Lychnis coronaria atrosanguinea NCG 051 Silene syn. Lychnis coronaria atrosanguinea
Rose Campion

Contrasting strongly with the soft, grey-green, downy leaves, the mass of vibrant magenta blooms on this popular cottage garden plant will really hit you between the eyes! I have found that if stems are cut right back after the first flush of flowers in spring, the plants will bloom again…

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Smyrnium perfoliatum NCG 460 Smyrnium perfoliatum
Yellow Alexanders

Resembling euphorbia or bupleurum - a very pretty woodland plant that can take two to three years to come to full maturity. More info coming later...

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Solanum lycopersicum 'Black Cherry' NCG 487 Solanum lycopersicum 'Black Cherry'
Tomato 'Black Cherry'

This tomato variety produces masses of small, deep, purplish-red to mahoganiy-brown, sweet and juicy fruits. Perfect for the simplest of tomato salads - just slice or quarter and sprinkle on balsamic vinegar, a pinch of salt, plenty of freshly ground pepper and perhaps a little finely sliced red onion scattered…

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Solanum lycopersicum 'Brandywine Black' (Organic) NCG 486 Solanum lycopersicum 'Brandywine Black' (Organic)
Tomato 'Brandywine Black' (Heirloom)

Like other beefsteak tomatoes, this heirloom variety produces large, frequently irregular-shaped fruits, but is unusual in that it has potato-leaved foliage. The tomatoes can vary somewhat in colour, usually a rosy hue, sometimes green-shouldered, but they are renowned for their exceptional flavour.

NOTE: These are externally sourced, organic…

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