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Solanum lycopersicum 'Marmande' NCG 103 Solanum lycopersicum 'Marmande'
Tomato 'Marmande'

Medium-sized beefsteak-type tomatoes growing on sturdy vines. A wonderful, full flavour... an essential ingredient for authentic Mediterranean-style recipes and salads!

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Solanum lycopersicum 'Sun Gold' NCG 106 Solanum lycopersicum 'Sun Gold'
Tomato 'Sun Gold'

The small, golden yellow fruits are sweet and juicy. It's just as well that they fruit prolifically, because it is difficult to pass by the greeenhouse in summer without snacking!

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Tagetes tenuifolia 'Starfire Mixed' NCG 052 Tagetes tenuifolia 'Starfire Mixed'
Mexican Marigold 'Starfire Mixed'

The masses of yellow, orange and vermillion flowers produced throughout the summer are not only very pretty but an extremely useful 'companion' plant. Since growing them at the base of my greenhouse tomatoes aphid are a thing of the past! Tagetes are suitable for planters and baskets or the front…

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Tanacetum parthenium NCG 217 Tanacetum parthenium

Hundreds of tiny little chrysanthemum-like flowers, white with a yellow centre, adorn this popular cottage garden plant. The stems are strong and erect, with mid-green, lobed leaves.

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Tithonia rotundifolia 'Fiesta Del Sol' NCG 292 Tithonia rotundifolia 'Fiesta Del Sol'
Mexican Sunflower 'Fiesta Del Sol'

A smaller, more compact variety than her sister, 'Torch', this is a lovely addition towards the front of the hot bed! A profusion of rich orange flowers from late summer to autumn, on branching plants growing to about 30in/80cm tall. A good cut flower, although the hollow neck of the…

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Tithonia rotundifolia 'Torch' NCG 046 Tithonia rotundifolia 'Torch'
Mexican Sunflower 'Torch'

A dynamic plant for the hot bed! A profusion of rich orange to vermillion flowers from late summer to autumn, on large, branching plants up to 6ft/2m. A good cut flower, although the hollow neck of the cut blooms can be a little prone to sudden collapse, particularly if deprived…

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Trachelium caeruleum 'Pallas' AGM NCG 441 Trachelium caeruleum 'Pallas' AGM
Blue throatwort

Although a perennial, this stunning plant is usually grown as an annual, as it will not withstand frost. It forms a bushy mound of small leaves from which rise flower stems topped with large umbels composed of many tiny mauve flowers. A wonderful cut flower - much recommended!

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Verbascum  thapsus NCG 089 Verbascum thapsus
Great Mullein, Aaron's Rod, Torches

This wildflower forms rosettes of grey-green, woolly leaves from which very tall spikes of clear yellow flowers grow in summer. Not only has this wildflower been used as a herbal remedy for thousands of years but dye can be extracted from it and the dried flower spikes can be made…

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Verbena hybrida Mix NCG 393 Verbena hybrida Mix
Verbena, Mixed

Strictly speaking a short-lived perennial, but not fully hardy, so best treated as a half-hardy annual. Flowers are in shades including bright red, blue, rich peach and purple with a white eye. Plant en masse at the front of the border or in hanging baskets.

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Veronica gentianoides NCG 413 Veronica gentianoides
Gentian speedwell

In summer, spikes of small, pale-blue flowers with striking purple veining appear above rosettes of attractive, glossy foliage. Best grown near the front of the border, where its intricate markings can be best appreciated!

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Veronica longifolia (pink) NCG 295 Veronica longifolia (pink)
Garden Speedwell, Pink

A much rarer form than the well known blue veronica, this variety is in pretty shades of pink. The spikes of tiny flowers appear from late spring until mid summer and make a good filler in flower arrangements. Cut plant back to 1 foot after flowering to encourage a new…

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Viola 'Blackjack' NCG 062 Viola 'Blackjack'
Viola 'Blackjack'

This is probably a cross between Bowles' Black and a standard viola. Still, it is rich in colour and produces masses of small, midnight-blue flowers with yellow eyes. Very useful for front of border or in containers and hanging baskets. Cut back after first flush of flowering to encourage new…

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Viola 'Bowles Black' NCG 516 Viola 'Bowles Black'
Viola 'Bowles Black'

A very pretty viola that is usually hard to come by, with flowers which are deepest midnight-blue to almost black, with deep yellow eyes. Although strictly speaking a hardy perennial, best treated as a half-hardy annual. The seeds gathered from these plants were fertilised when almost all other violas in…

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Viola wittrockiana 'Black Devil' NCG 637 Viola wittrockiana 'Black Devil'

A very dynamic viola with large blooms, near-black with golden eyes. Although strictly speaking a hardy perennial, best treated as a half-hardy annual. I have no other V. wittrockia varieties in the garden, but cannot guarantee that all will come true from my collected seeds - however in my experience…

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Zinnia elegans 'Polar Bear' NCG 527 Zinnia elegans 'Polar Bear'
Common zinnia, Elegant zinnia, Youth and old age 'Polar Bear'

A fast-growing half-hardy annual that will provide an abundance of flowers throughout the summer months and into autumn. The large, white blooms are much loved by pollinating insects and great for flower arrangements.

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Zinnia elegans Mixed NCG 385 Zinnia elegans Mixed
Common zinnia, Elegant zinnia, Youth and old age

A fast-growing half-hardy annual that will provide a wealth of colour throughout the summer months and into autumn. Large blooms in shades including pink, cerise, scarlet and orange. Much loved by pollinating insects and great for flower arranegments.

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