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Fuchsia triphylla 'Panique' NCG 731 Fuchsia triphylla 'Panique'

A very unusual species Fuchsia, with masses of tiny pink flowers in summer and throughout the autumn. Has a rather lax habit, so best grown in a container where it can spill over the sides - or it can be supported with a light frame. Parentage: (Panache x F. splendens…

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Galium odoratum NCG 737 Galium odoratum
Sweet woodruff, Sweet-scented bedstraw

A useful low-growing ground cover plant for shady areas. Tiny white flowers above bright-green divided foliage. Forms a dense mat of fine roots, so also useful for stabilising light soils on slopes.Can be invasive, so site carefully.

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Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White' NCG 256 Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White'

Large, delicate white flowers with delicate pink veining appear in spring and sporadically into summer, on slender stems above intricately divided leaves. Although not as vigorous as most hardy geraniums, taking longer to make a sizeable clump than others, its sheer beauty well and truly makes up for this shortcoming.…

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Geranium phaeum, various NCG 507 Geranium phaeum, various
Dusky cranesbill

Although a British native, Geranium phaeum is perhaps more commonly seen as a cultivated garden plant, particularly in colours singled out as particularly attractive. These appear in Spring and range from deepest-purple to near-white. The lobed or divided foliage varies in colour too, from mid to dark green, often with…

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Geranium sanguineum Album AGM NCG 255 Geranium sanguineum Album AGM
Bloody cranesbill 'Album'

About a foot high, this is very attractive front-of-border choice, with a succession of pure white flowers and inch or more across above divided mid-green foliage. Blooms profusely in late spring/early summer, but continues to flower more sporadically for months more. It is very happy in dry and exposed areas,…

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Geranium versicolor NCG 245 Geranium versicolor
Pencilled geranium

This delightful geranium is semi-evergreen, but will form a fresh rosette of lobed leaves in Spring, followed by small, white flowers, intricately veined in deep magenta-pink. It will continue to flower, though less abundantly, throughout the summer and into autumn. Happy in full sun or part shade. Since there are…

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Hakonechloa  macra 'Alboaurea' AGM NCG 225 Hakonechloa macra 'Alboaurea' AGM
Golden Hakonechloa, Golden Japanese forest grass

A stunning, deciduous grass that does very well in both sun and light shade. Produces lush clumps of arching, cream, yellow and green, narrowly-striped foliage that catches the light in a breeze. Flower racemes on slender stalks appear in summer, followed by delicate seeds heads. I have not found it…

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Helianthus x laetiflorus 'Lemon Queen' AGM NCG 093 Helianthus x laetiflorus 'Lemon Queen' AGM
Perennial Sunflower 'Lemon Queen'

Light yellow, daisy-like flowers, set against rich, dark-green foliage on tall, straight stems, appear in abundance on this beautiful hardy perennial plant for many months. A wonderful addition at the back of the bed and great for flower arrangements.The full scientific name given is a bit of a guess -…

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Helleborus foetidus NCG 309 Helleborus foetidus
Stinking Hellebore

The flowers of this interesting, shade-loving plant are very soft, pale green, sometimes with a red margin and are leathery in texture. It is a haven for hibernating ladybirds, which can be found nestling in and around the flowers all winter.

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Helleborus x hybridus NCG 273 Helleborus x hybridus
Lenten rose

There are many hellebores growing in the garden, in a variety of colours, from dark red (sometimes double) to pink, white and cream, some with intricate specking or streaking. Although seeds listed (when available) are saved and offered separately from different coloured plants, it cannot be guaranteed that they will…

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Hemerocallis 'Bonanza' NCG 410 Hemerocallis 'Bonanza'
Daylily 'Bonanza'

As its common name suggests, the large, trumpet-shaped blooms of this sunny plant last only a day, but during the flowering season they appear in abundance. I believe that this variety, which is deep-yellow with rich purple-brown blotches at the centre, is as named, but it was (one of the…

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Hemerocallis 'Ruffled Apricot' NCG 449 Hemerocallis 'Ruffled Apricot'
Daylily 'Ruffled Apricot'

The large, trumpet-shaped blooms of this sunny plant last only a day, but during the flowering season they appear in abundance. This variety is stunning, with deep-apricot, ruffled petals with a soft lighter streak running down the centre of each. All daylilies come from hybrid stock and will not come…

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Hemerocallis 'Sammy Russell' NCG 076 Hemerocallis 'Sammy Russell'
Daylily 'Sammy Russell'

As its common name suggests, the large, trumpet-shaped blooms of this stunning plant last only a day, but during the flowering season they appear in abundance. I believe that this variety, which is deepest red with a yellow throat, is as named, but it was (one of the few decent…

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Hesperantha (syn. Schizostylis) coccinea 'Major' AGM NCG 213 Hesperantha (syn. Schizostylis) coccinea 'Major' AGM
Crimson flag lily 'Major', River lily

This lovely plant flowers for many months - even through the first frosts! Rich red, six-petalled, bowl-shaped blooms appear on straight stems above light-green, sword-shaped foliage from summer onwards. Although they do well in my relatively light soil, Hesperantha are probably happiest in moist, heavy soil as long as it…

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Houttuynia cordata NCG 321 Houttuynia cordata
Heart-leaved houttuynia, Fish mint

Description coming soon

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Humulus lupulus NCG 646 Humulus lupulus
Common hop

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Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' NCG 251 Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Hydrangea 'Annabelle', Smooth hydrangea, Wild hydrangea, Sevenbark

I've never known anyone unfamiliar with this delightful plant not to request it when they see it in bloom in the garden! The domed flower heads are composed of masses of small blooms, lime green at first, turning creamy-white (and almost spherical) when in full bloom and a lovely parchment…

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Hylotelephium Syn. Sedum spectabile (Brilliant Group) 'Autumn Joy' NCG 231 Hylotelephium Syn. Sedum spectabile (Brilliant Group) 'Autumn Joy'
Ice Plant, Brilliant stonecrop, Butterfly stonecrop, Rabbit's cabbage, Showy stonecrop 'Autumn Joy'

This drought-tolerat plant produces dense heads of deep-pink flowers in late-summer/early autumn, above sturdy stems clothed in grey-green, fleshy leaves. The weight of the flower heads tends to cause the stems to bend and sprawl, so some support is recommended earlier in the season to prevent this. Attractive to pollinating…

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Hylotelephium Syn. Sedum telephium subsp. ruprechtii 'Hab Grey' NCG 412 Hylotelephium Syn. Sedum telephium subsp. ruprechtii 'Hab Grey'
Ruprecht's orpine, Ice Plant 'Hab Grey'

This unusual and most attractive sedum ariety forms clumps of grey-green, fleshy leaves and the flowers are a mixture of cream and pink. It is much loved by bees and other beneficial insects.

NOTE: Depending on season, plants, when available, may be trimmed back and/or barerooted for shipping.

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Inula Hookeri NCG 155 Inula Hookeri
Hooker's inula, Hooker's fleabane

This beautiful plant deserves to be better known. The soft, downy stems bear masses of 2 inch diameter bright-yellow daisy-like flowers from late summer to autumn, which go on to develop equally attractive, cream-coloured, fluffy seed heads. The flowers are much loved by butterflies and bees, and the seeds by…

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