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Achillea millefolium NCG 233 Achillea millefolium
Common Yarrow, Milfoil

A plant of many names! It has variously been called, Devil's Nettle, Hundred-leaved Grass, Lace Plant, Milfoil, Nose Pepper, Nosebleed, Sanguinarya and Soldier's Woundwort (to name just a few), some clearly referring to its medicinal properties, others to its appearance. Whilst many cultivars are available, this wild flower is white…

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Allium ostrowskianum syn. oreophilum NCG 785 Allium ostrowskianum syn. oreophilum
Mountain lover, Pink lily leek

Description coming soon.

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Allium ursinum NCG 721 Allium ursinum
Ramsons, Wild garlic

The wide, bright green leaves of this pretty woodland plant have a mild garlic flavour and can be used in salads. In spring it produces attractive heads of small white flowers - which are also edible, as are the shoots, stems, roots and seeds! Ransoms require shady, moist conditions.

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Anthriscus sylvestris 'Ravenswing' NCG 278 Anthriscus sylvestris 'Ravenswing'
Black-leaved Cow Parsley

The finely divided, ferny, deep-purple, almost black leaves of this unusual plant make a lovely contrast with other plants, particularly those that have predominantly light-green foliage. The flat heads of tiny flowers are white with small pink bracts. Please note that not all plants produced from the seeds offered will…

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Antirrhinum majus ssp. tortuosum NCG 283 Antirrhinum majus ssp. tortuosum
Greater Snapdragon

The seeds of this unusual variety of antirrhinum were collected in the Rif Mountains, Morocco. The plant has a rather lax, sprawling habit and bright, purplish-red blooms, Although a perennial, antirrhinums are usually treated as annuals, but you can try cutting them back from late autumn to early spring.

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Apium graveolens secalinum NCG 236 Apium graveolens secalinum
Leaf celery, Wild celery, 'Par-Cel', Smallage

Looking almost identical to flat leaved parsley, all parts of this plant have a strong celery scent and flavour. Add a sprig or finely chopped leaves to stocks and sauces. The insignificant flowers are white, followed by masses of seed, which can be used to make celery salt (hover over…

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Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Marmoratum' AGM NCG 011 Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Marmoratum' AGM
Italian arum 'Marmoratum', Variegated Cuckoopint, Lords-and-Ladies

The boldly marbled, arrow-shaped leaves appear in autumn and last right through most of the year. Seedlings may look unpromising at first, but as the plants grow the leaves develop their beautiful markings. Plant under trees to light up dark areas. When plants are on offer they are usually self…

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Borago officinalis 'Bianca' NCG 703 Borago officinalis 'Bianca'
Borage 'Bianca' (White)

Like the common blue borage, this white variant is edible. The flowers, which have a flavour reminiscent of cucumber, can be added to summer drinks or as a garnish on salads and other cold dishes. The leaves can also be added, wilted, to Mediterranean recipes such as pasta sauces and…

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Borago officinalis, Blue NCG 593 Borago officinalis, Blue
Borage, Blue

Borage is edible - the flowers, which have a flavour reminiscent of cucumber, can be added to summer drinks or as a garnish on salads and other cold dishes. The leaves can also be added, wilted, to Mediterranean recipes such as pasta sauces and to ravioli stuffing. Borage is very…

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Brimeura amethystina AGM NCG 242 Brimeura amethystina AGM
Amethyst hyacinth, Spanish hyacinth

The delicate, pale blue, nodding bells of this pretty bulbous plant are fragrant and much loved by butterflies. Although the common name refers to it as a hyacinth, it is in fact only distantly related. NOTE: Not to be confused with the Spanish bluebell, which is a thug and…

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Calendula officinalis NCG 049 Calendula officinalis
Pot Marigold

One of the most recognisable and popular cottage garden plants, this Calendula mixture will light up the garden for many months with an abundance of yellow and orange blooms, some double. Makes a nice addition to small flower arrangements, so cut often to encourage repeat flowering and to keep the…

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Centranthus ruber NCG 092 Centranthus ruber

A classic cottage garden plant with delicate sprays of white, pink or red flowers held above grey green foliage. Perfectly happy in poor, stony, chalky soil, but is will tolerate other more-or-less neutral soil types. Although a perennial, perhaps better treated as a biennial as older plants tend to become…

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Craspedia globosa 'Drumstick' NCG 301 Craspedia globosa 'Drumstick'
Billy balls, Billy buttons

Originating in Australia, where it is perennial, this quirky hardy annual has a long flowering period, producing bright-yellow, ping pong-shaped flower clusters (glomerules), about an inch in diameter, on strong, straight, unbranched stems rising from basal rosettes of leaves. Excellent for use in both fresh and dried flower arrangements.

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Cyclamen hederifolium NCG 517 Cyclamen hederifolium
Hardy cyclamen, Ivy-leaved cyclamen

A delightful autumn-flowering woodland plant, with leaves shaped a little like ivy, though more tapered, strongly patterned with silver-green markings. The flowers are pink and sometimes delicately scented, usually appearing before the foliage. Looks wonderful naturalised under trees.

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Cynara cardunculus NCG 625 Cynara cardunculus

The cardoon, also called the artichoke thistle, is a member of the sunflower family. It is native to the western and central Mediterranean region. A robust plant, growing up to 2.4m/8 feet tall, it produces large, purplish-pink, thistle-like flower heads above divided, grey-green foliage. The immature flowers, called globe artichokes,…

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Datura stramonium NCG 234 Datura stramonium
Jimson Weed, Thorn Apple

Datura produces white, fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers and light green foliage, but the most striking part of the plant is its large spiky seed pods. They make a very interesting addition to dried flower arrangements. Although originating from warmer countries, this plant has become widely naturalised in the UK. HIGHLY POISONOUS!!!…

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Digitalis purpurea NCG 447 Digitalis purpurea

This, the original, wild form of the traditional cottage garden biennial plant, will be familiar to all, with its tall spires of blooms in a variety of pink shades above rosettes of large, mid-green leaves. The flowers are much loved by pollinating insects, especially bumble bees.

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Echium vulgare NCG 683 Echium vulgare
Viper's bugloss

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Fritillaria meleagris NCG 428 Fritillaria meleagris
Snakeshead fritillary

Description coming soon

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Fumaria officinalis NCG 559 Fumaria officinalis
Common fumitory

This delicate wildflower bears spikes of small, pink, tubular flowers above bright green divided foliage. Will happily self-seed.

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Galanthus nivalis NCG 533 Galanthus nivalis
Common snowdrop

Snowdrops, with their delicately green-tipped white flowers, flower in late winter/early spring and look beautiful naturalised in drifts under trees, but will be happy in most other locations, including containers. Bulbs offered will be sourced to order from my various patches of naturalised snowdrops and delivered potted, so that there…

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Galium odoratum NCG 737 Galium odoratum
Sweet woodruff, Sweet-scented bedstraw

A useful low-growing ground cover plant for shady areas. Tiny white flowers above bright-green divided foliage. Forms a dense mat of fine roots, so also useful for stabilising light soils on slopes.Can be invasive, so site carefully.

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Iris setosa var arctica NCG 243 Iris setosa var arctica
Dwarf Arctic iris

This sweet little iris, standing only a few inches tall, has pale blue flowers with striking veins, and are yellow at the centre, fading to silver. The blooms appear above green, spear-shaped leaves.

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Lathyrus Syn. Orobus vernus NCG 468 Lathyrus Syn. Orobus vernus
Spring bitter vetch, Spring pea, Spring vetchling

A lovely mound of reddish-purple pea blooms in spring, maturing to purple-blue. A lovely addition to the woodland garden!

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Linaria purpurea NCG 164 Linaria purpurea
Perennial Toadflax

This delightful plant with its tall spikes of tiny purple or pink flowers resembling miniature snapdragons, which appear from a basal clump of fine, grey-green leaves, is attractive not only to right-minded humans, but to wildlife... it is much loved by butterflies and bees. It flowers from June right through…

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Linum perenne 'Blue Sapphire' NCG 483 Linum perenne 'Blue Sapphire'
Perennial flax 'Blue Sapphire'

This compact form of perennial flax is a cottage garden favourite, with ferny foliage and masses of sky-blue flowers from late spring and right through the summer. It works well as an edging plant, in containers and for naturalising in wildlife gardens. Although short-lived, it will gently self-seed. Established plants…

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Linum  usitatissimum NCG 034 Linum usitatissimum
Common Flax, Linseed

The delicate flowers of this dainty plant are sky-blue or white, on fine, grey-blue foliage - a delight to see en masse! Ours appeared from nowhere in my hot bed (flax is grown in the fields nearby, so the seeds were, no doubt, brought in by birds). Despite the fact…

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Monarda fistulosa NCG 485 Monarda fistulosa
Wild Bergamot, Bee Balm, Horsemint, Oswego Tea

A beautiful perennial well known as a medicinal herb. The masses of pale-mauve blooms are very attractive to butterflies, bees and other pollinating insects, The foliage is scented.

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Nigella sativa NCG 380 Nigella sativa
Fennel Flower, Nutmeg Flower, Roman Coriander, False Black Cumin, Black Seed

Similar in many respects to the more familiar Nigella damascena (Love in a Mist), but the flowers are smaller and usually white, occasionally pale blue, on delicate stems clothed in very finely divided foliage. In Asian countries the seeds are traditionally used in rice dishes and confectionery. They are also…

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Oenothera biennis NCG 470 Oenothera biennis
Evening primrose

Although generally thought of as a biennial, this favourite herbal and garden flower often survives as a perennial. In its second year of growth it produces masses of bright yellow blooms, which are delicately scented, on tall, branching stems.

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Onopordum acanthium NCG 222 Onopordum acanthium
Scotch Thistle, Scottish Thistle, Cotton thistle

I don't generally welcome thistles in the garden, but this is an exception! This huge, ornamental thistle, which can reach 3 metres tall and a metre across, has spiny, silver-green leaves on a thick, branching stem, from which beautiful spherical buds develop, opening to gigantic pinkish-purple thistle flowers which are…

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Oxalis corniculata NCG 865 Oxalis corniculata
Creeping wood sorrel

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Oxalis corniculata var. atropurpurea NCG 514 Oxalis corniculata var. atropurpurea
Bronze leaved yellow sorrel, Procumbent yellow sorrel

A low-growing plant with dark, bronze-red leaves and small yellow flowers followed by upright seed capsules, this variety of oxalis, which is perennial, can be invasive more due to self-seeding than its creeping habit, but if kept in check is a valuable addition to the garden. It grows well in…

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Panicum elegans 'Frosted Explosion' NCG 002 Panicum elegans 'Frosted Explosion'
Switch grass 'Frosted Explosion'

As the seed heads emerge, they resemble fibre optics! Lovely plant for floral arrangements. Remove seedheads if you don't want the grass to self seed, but unlike some grasses is not difficult to control - roots are shallow so young, unwanted plants can be removed easily.

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Papaver  cambricum NCG 036 Papaver cambricum
Welsh Poppy

This beautiful wild flower has clear yellow flowers - often with crinkled petals - and bright green foliage that lights up dark areas. Ours found their place under the apple trees. Recently renamed from Meconopsis cambrica.

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Papaver miyabeanum NCG 502 Papaver miyabeanum
Japanese poppy

Although strictly speaking a perennial, this very pretty alpine poppy is best treated as an annual or biennial. Just a few inches tall, with soft greenish-yellow blooms and basal rosettes of attractive, deeply divided foliage, followed by lovely seed heads, this is a pretty plant for containers or a rock…

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Papaver rhoeas - various NCG 096 Papaver rhoeas - various
Poppy Mixture

This is a mixture of Field, Ladybird (black-eyed), white-eyed and possibly other similar poppies. Most will be red, but there may be the occasional deep pink or pastel variety. They look lovely planted in drifts towards the front of the border.

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Papaver somniferum, red, single NCG 040 Papaver somniferum, red, single
Opium Poppy, red, single

Harvested from deep-coral-pink plants with a darker eye and occasional fringes, but although common varieties growing near these were removed as soon as identified, it cannot be guaranteed that all these seeds will breed true - however, a very reasonable proportion should do so.

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Papaver somniferum, single, mauve NCG 330 Papaver somniferum, single, mauve
Opium Poppy, single, mauve

The flowers of the familiar opium poppy are often pale purple-pink, but are quite variable, with colours varying from almost white to dark purple-pink and sometimes shades of salmon-pink. The darkness of the blotch at the centre of the flowers can also be variable. The seeds of are widely used…

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Primula vulgaris NCG 375 Primula vulgaris
Common primrose

Spring would not be Spring without the primrose! The soft yellow blooms of this familiar native wildflower arise on short stems from basal rosettes of crinkly, light-green leaves. Seeds itself around happily but is not difficult to control.

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Pulmonaria officinalis NCG 308 Pulmonaria officinalis
Blue Lungwort

All the pulmonarias are lovely shade plants, and no less this, the common type. Blue flowers, turning mauve and then pink, adorn rather hairy stems up to 12 inches tall growing from a rosette of green foliage specked with white.

NOTE: Plants, when offered, may, depending on season, be trimmed right…

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Ranunculus lingua 'Grandiflorus' NCG 226 Ranunculus lingua 'Grandiflorus'
Large-flowered Greater Spearwort

This is a lovely aquatic plant which, in its natural habitat, favours shallow streams or river banks. It can be grown as a marginal plant in ponds, but is generally not suited to small ponds as it can be rather invasive. Clear yellow buttercup-like flowers appear in mid-summer above tall,…

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Rumex acetosa NCG 436 Rumex acetosa
Common sorrel

Description coming soon

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Silene hookeri NCG 259 Silene hookeri
Hooker's campion

Not just any campion! Low-growing hummocks of furry leaves from which starry flowers in shades of pink raise their heads. Needs some TLC, but much recommended.

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Silene latifolia NCG 496 Silene latifolia
White campion, Cuckoo flower, Thunder-flower, White robin

Description coming soon.

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Tanacetum parthenium NCG 217 Tanacetum parthenium

Hundreds of tiny little chrysanthemum-like flowers, white with a yellow centre, adorn this popular cottage garden plant. The stems are strong and erect, with mid-green, lobed leaves.

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Trollius europaeus NCG 131 Trollius europaeus
Globe Flower

A member of the buttercup family, this lovely wild-flower produces globe-shaped pale to mid-yellow flowers, appearing above attractive foliage. Valuable for colour in spring gardens, particularly in light shade, where they glow beautifully. They also make a good cut flower.

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Verbascum  thapsus NCG 089 Verbascum thapsus
Great Mullein, Aaron's Rod, Torches

This wildflower forms rosettes of grey-green, woolly leaves from which very tall spikes of clear yellow flowers grow in summer. Not only has this wildflower been used as a herbal remedy for thousands of years but dye can be extracted from it and the dried flower spikes can be made…

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