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Aconitum Carmichaelii Var. arendsii NCG 129 Aconitum Carmichaelii Var. arendsii
Autumn-flowering monkshood, Chinese aconite

Full description to come, but please note: All parts of the plant are extremely toxic - it is highly advisable to wear gloves when handling and to wash hands if accidentally touched.

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Adenophora latifolia 'Amethyst' NCG 224 Adenophora latifolia 'Amethyst'

Sometimes confused with campanula, to which it is related, this plant is more delicate. It has nodding bells in a lovely soft shade of violet-blue, borne on straight stems with dark-green toothed foliage.

NOTE: The plants have a rather scrambling root system and are difficult to split tidily.…

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Ajuga reptans NCG 420 Ajuga reptans
Common bugle, Blue bugle, Carpetweed

Creeping bugle is a low-growing, evergreen plant that is useful to provide ground cover or to grow between paving stones. It produces spikes of rich blue/purple flowers in Spring, above dark, sometimes almost black, foliage.

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Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata NCG 148 Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata
Porcelain berry

This vine-like plant is attractive in all respects, but particularly for its stunningly coloured berries, which range from soft blue-green through turquoise to purple. It grows vigorously in the right conditions. Positioning on a sheltered south-facing wall in poorish soil and restricting root growth gives the best environment for reliable…

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Amsonia tabernaemontana NCG 574 Amsonia tabernaemontana
Rhazya, Eastern Bluestar

A clump-forming perennial with willowy, dark green leaves and clusters of sky-blue, starry flowers in spring and summer.

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Anemone pavonina NCG 326 Anemone pavonina
Peacock anemone

This spectacular, spring-flowering anemone is a Mediterranean species with dark-green leaves and bright, cup-shaped blooms in pink, purple or red, usually with a white eye. It is happiest in a sunny position in free-draining soil, either towards the front of a border, in containers or naturalised in grass.

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Aquilegia vulgaris, various NCG 298 Aquilegia vulgaris, various
Granny's bonnet, various

A mixture of single, double and ruffled plants or seeds in a variety of colours - dark-purple, blue, white and pink. I'm also offering packets containing seeds from specific plants, but there may be some cross-pollination.

Note: Plants, when offered, may be bare-rooted, depending on season.

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Borago officinalis, Blue NCG 593 Borago officinalis, Blue
Borage, Blue

Borage is edible - the flowers, which have a flavour reminiscent of cucumber, can be added to summer drinks or as a garnish on salads and other cold dishes. The leaves can also be added, wilted, to Mediterranean recipes such as pasta sauces and to ravioli stuffing. Borage is very…

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Brimeura amethystina AGM NCG 242 Brimeura amethystina AGM
Amethyst hyacinth, Spanish hyacinth

The delicate, pale blue, nodding bells of this pretty bulbous plant are fragrant and much loved by butterflies. Although the common name refers to it as a hyacinth, it is in fact only distantly related. NOTE: Not to be confused with the Spanish bluebell, which is a thug and…

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Brunnera  macrophylla 'Jack Frost' NCG 550 Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'
Siberian bugloss 'Jack Frost'

One of my favourite spring-flowering plants, with delicate sprays of sky-blue flowers, somewhat similar to forget-me-not, but with rather more wiry flower stems, above large, heart-shaped, exquisitely marked leaves. NOTE: Depending on the season, plants, when offered, may be delivered bare-rooted and trimmed back, but will soon produce fresh growth.

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Campanula glomerata NCG 404 Campanula glomerata
Clustered bellflower, Dane's blood

Clusters of deep-blue bell-shaped flowers on straight stems from early summer. A very pretty plant, but spreads by underground runners and can be rather invasive, so position carefully.

Note: Bare-rooted plants, when on offer, may look a little untidy, particularly early in the year. Don't worry - they will establish…

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Campanula lactiflora NCG 064 Campanula lactiflora
Milky Bellflower

A tall, stately campanula, pale blue/lilac or white. Makes a dynamic statement at the back of the border and is also lovely cut flower if you can bear to remove it from the garden! Masses of blooms on stems up to 2m high. Much in demand by visitors to the…

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Campanula persicifolia, Ex. blue NCG 384 Campanula persicifolia, Ex. blue
Peach-leaved bellflower

A typical cottage garden plant, this campanula, with its papery, nodding pale-blue bells on tall, straight stems above low-growing foliage, is perfect for the middle of the border and is particularly effective if planted en masse. A good cut flower. Since these are open-pollinated plants, some variation may occur in…

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Campanula portenschlagiana Syn. muralis NCG 669 Campanula portenschlagiana Syn. muralis
Dalmatian bellflower, Wall bellflower

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Campanula punctata 'Kent Belle' NCG 598 Campanula punctata 'Kent Belle'
Bellflower 'Kent Belle'

Nodding heads of deep-violet narrow, tubular flowers adorn this attractive campanula. Will probably not always come true from seed, but my experience with another campanula with similarly shaped flowers (Campanula takesimana) is that collected seeds are are likely to produce plants with blooms of a similar shape and habit, though…

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Catananche caerulea bicolor NCG 567 Catananche caerulea bicolor
White Cupid's Dart

This pretty plant produces a basal rosette of narrow, grey-green leaves, above which wiry stems rise in summer, topped with white flowers with violet-blue eyes. The papery seedheads are very attractive and are useful for dried flower arrangements.

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Centaurea montana NCG 014 Centaurea montana
Perennial cornflower, Mountain bluet

This wildflower has been a popular garden plant for generations. Rich blue with a reddish-purple centre, it makes a good cut flower for smaller arrangements and posies. Dead-head regularly to promote fresh blooms. The plant has a lax habit, so either cut long stems back by half to discourage legginess…

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Cephalaria gigantea NCG 353 Cephalaria gigantea
Giant scabious, Yellow scabious

This stunning perennial scabious is perfect for the back of the border as it can grow as high as 2.5m. Blooming during the summer, the strongly textured flowers are a delicate pale yellow.

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Cerinthe major var. purpurascens NCG 094 Cerinthe major var. purpurascens
Cerinthe, Honeywort, Blue shrimp plant

Deep purple, almost indigo, clusters of bells dangle above attractive glaucous, grey-green foliage. This wildflower is much loved by bees and butterflies. It self-seeds happily (but not invasively) in the gravel patio area in my garden, where it looks charming.

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Cichorium intybus NCG 853 Cichorium intybus
Common chicory

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