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NCG 846 | Aloe barbadensis | |
Aloe vera, Barbados aloe,
NCG 664 | Digitalis purpurea 'Pam's Choice' | |
Foxglove 'Pam's Choice'
A two-toned foxglove, white with strongly contrasting, dark-maroon speckling in the throat. |
NCG 844 | Elymus hystrix | |
European or Spreading Bottlebrush grass
Syn, Hystrix patula |
NCG 739 | Eryngium bourgatii | |
Mediterranean sea holly
Description coming soon. |
NCG 772 | Filipendula ulmaria 'Aurea' | |
Golden meadowsweet, Golden mead wort
Description coming soon. |
NCG 767 | Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' | |
Heart-leaved houttuynia 'Chameleon'
NCG 646 | Humulus lupulus | |
Common hop
NCG 457 | Kniphofia caulescens | |
Caulescent red-hot poker
Description coming soon. |
NCG 558 | Ledebouria socialis | |
Silver squill, Purple squill, South African Scilla, Leopard Lily
NCG 373 | Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba' | |
Featherleaf rodgersia
NCG 589 | Tulipa turkestanica | |
Turkestan tulip
NCG 503 | Zantedeschia aethiopica | |
Calla lily
Each beautiful, exotic white spathe surrounds a clear yellow spathix. Surprisingly easy to grow and fully hardy in most regions. |