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Acer griseum AGM NCG 080 Acer griseum AGM
Paper Bark Maple

A small to medium sized ornamental tree which lends interest to the garden at all times of year. Small, yellow flowers appear in spring, followed by fresh green foliage in spring and summer, then spectacular orange, red and pink autumn foliage in autumn. At all times of year the chestnut-red…

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Alkekengi officinarum Syn. Physalis alkekengi NCG 097 Alkekengi officinarum Syn. Physalis alkekengi
Chinese Lanterns

Familiar to many as an ingredient in dried flower arrangements, with its rich orange lanterns, many do not know that the small red fruit contained in within the husks is edible and has a higher concentration of vitamin C than lemons! However, the rest of the plant is poisonous, so…

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Alstroemeria Ex. Orange NCG 600 Alstroemeria Ex. Orange
Peruvian Lily

Alstromeria with their bright, beautifully marked, lily-like blooms, look far too exotic for our climate but they are hardy plants that will survive in almost any situation.

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Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids NCG 610 Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids
Peruvian lily

Flowers in a range of colours, from white through warm yellows, oranges and reds to shades of pink, on strong, straight stems with glossy foliage. Prefers soil that is not too limey.

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Antirrhinum majus, mixed NCG 008 Antirrhinum majus, mixed
Snapdragon, mixed

Although usually perennial, antirrhinums are generally treated as annuals. This is a mixture in many colours and heights, from medium-sized to dwarf (usually distinguishable early in their lives by small leaves, and tending to a trailing habit, making them a useful in hanging baskets). A children's favourite! NOTE: Separate colours…

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Begonia sutherlandii NCG 863 Begonia sutherlandii
Sutherland begonia

Lovely in hanging baskets and containers, this very pretty trailing begonia was introduced to the UK from Natal in the mid 19th century. It produces masses of tiny orange flowers all summer beneath, small, rich-green, toothed leaves. They are likely to survive winters outside in milder areas, but it is…

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Belamcanda chinensis NCG 381 Belamcanda chinensis
Leopard lily

This most attractive perennial, which bears vividly orange blooms with dark spots, is a member of the Iris family. A lovely addition to a sunny hot bed, where it thrives even in quite arid conditions, although it will also tolerate light shade. A plant that is very easy to grow…

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Calendula officinalis NCG 049 Calendula officinalis
Pot Marigold

One of the most recognisable and popular cottage garden plants, this Calendula mixture will light up the garden for many months with an abundance of yellow and orange blooms, some double. Makes a nice addition to small flower arrangements, so cut often to encourage repeat flowering and to keep the…

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Calendula officinalis 'Sunset Buff' NCG 551 Calendula officinalis 'Sunset Buff'
Pot marigold 'Sunset Buff'

A variation on one of the most recognisable and popular cottage garden plants, 'Sunset Buff' produces double (and perhaps the occasional single) flowers in soft, peachy tones with red backs. Makes a nice addition to small flower arrangements, so cut often to encourage repeat flowering and to keep the plants…

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Campsis radicans NCG 677 Campsis radicans
Trumpet vine

Sold out, but I can usually source young plants direct from the garden to order, so please contact me if you are interested in purchasing.

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Chaenomeles  speciosa 'Geisha Girl' AGM NCG 086 Chaenomeles speciosa 'Geisha Girl' AGM
Ornamental Quince

A very attractive and useful hardy, semi-evergreen shrub with masses of soft peach flowers in Spring. Easy to grow and well worth trying. Flowers are nectar-rich so attractive to bees. Also makes a good hedging plant.

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Clivia miniata NCG 744 Clivia miniata
Bush lily, Natal lily

A dynamic flowering houseplant native to South Africa, Clivia miniata is a rewarding plant to grow. Equally attractive when in its dormant stage, with broad, arching, spear-shaped leaves, but coming into its own when the flowers, which last for weeks, put on a show! Highly recommended.

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Cosmos sulphureus 'Bright Lights' NCG 178 Cosmos sulphureus 'Bright Lights'
Cosmos 'Bright Lights'

Flowers in shades from pale yellow through to deep orange, about 4cm across, borne on stems with attractive divided leaves. Pinch out young plants to encourage branching. May need some support.

Jumbo plug plants, when available, will be ready to plant out but may need some protection from slugs, etc.…

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Craspedia globosa 'Drumstick' NCG 301 Craspedia globosa 'Drumstick'
Billy balls, Billy buttons

Originating in Australia, where it is perennial, this quirky hardy annual has a long flowering period, producing bright-yellow, ping pong-shaped flower clusters (glomerules), about an inch in diameter, on strong, straight, unbranched stems rising from basal rosettes of leaves. Excellent for use in both fresh and dried flower arrangements.

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Crocosmia paniculata x fucata NCG 363 Crocosmia paniculata x fucata

I don't know where this variety of crocosmia came from... it seems to have appeared out of nowhere, but was probably given to me by my mother or one of her gardener friends. It has possibly been sitting there, sulking for years, but this year the hot bed has been…

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Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Burford Bronze' NCG 578 Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Burford Bronze'
Montbretia 'Burford Bronze'

Warm yellow flowers are set off by lovely bronze strap like foliage. Warm yellow flowers. Grows to 90cm in height.

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Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'George Davison' NCG 056 Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'George Davison'
Montbretia, Crocosmia 'George Davison'

A lovely, sunny plant with sprays of rich-yellow flowers which open sequentially and are borne on arching stems above long, strap-like foliage. Flowers are followed by attractive tapering seed heads.

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Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Lucifer' AGM NCG 061 Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Lucifer' AGM
Montbretia, Crocosmia

A stunning plant with flame-red sprays of flowers which open sequentially and are borne on arching stems above long, strap-like foliage. Flowers are followed by attractive tapering seed heads.

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Digitalis ferruginea gigantea 'Gelber Herold' NCG 620 Digitalis ferruginea gigantea 'Gelber Herold'
Rusty foxglove 'Gelber Herold'

A tall, dynamic variety of rusty foxglove that looks spectacular when grown en masse! Much recommended, but please note that although classified as a perennial, it is generally short-lived and shorter in stature in subsequent years if it does survive, so it is best to sow every year.

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Digitalis obscura NCG 455 Digitalis obscura
Willow-leaved foxglove, Dusky maid, Sunset foxglove

This rare and most striking, foxglove originates from the mountains of Spain and is also found in parts of Africa. Generally a little shorter than most other digitalis varieties, the flowers are exquisitely coloured in shades of russet, burnt-orange and red, complemented by evergreen, narrow-leaved foliage. In the right environment…

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