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Acanthus spinosus NCG 001 Acanthus spinosus
Bear's Britches

This stately, dramatic plant is happiest in full sun, but will also tolerate deep shade. Very useful cut flower, both fresh and dried. The flower spikes, with white blooms with purple bracts, appear above deeply divided dark green foliage.

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Aconitum Carmichaelii Var. arendsii NCG 129 Aconitum Carmichaelii Var. arendsii
Autumn-flowering monkshood, Chinese aconite

Full description to come, but please note: All parts of the plant are extremely toxic - it is highly advisable to wear gloves when handling and to wash hands if accidentally touched.

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Adenophora latifolia 'Amethyst' NCG 224 Adenophora latifolia 'Amethyst'

Sometimes confused with campanula, to which it is related, this plant is more delicate. It has nodding bells in a lovely soft shade of violet-blue, borne on straight stems with dark-green toothed foliage.

NOTE: The plants have a rather scrambling root system and are difficult to split tidily.…

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Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' NCG 499 Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop'
Tree aeonium, Tree houseleek, Irish rose

Description coming soon.

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Agastache anisata NCG 700 Agastache anisata
Anise hyssop, Licorice mint

Soft spikes of blue flowers adorn this pretty perennial wildflower throughout the summer, above strong stems with dark-green, nettle-like leaves. All parts of the plant have a strong scent of aniseed. Also known as Agastache foeniculum or Lophanthus anisatus.

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Ajuga reptans NCG 420 Ajuga reptans
Common bugle, Blue bugle, Carpetweed

Creeping bugle is a low-growing, evergreen plant that is useful to provide ground cover or to grow between paving stones. It produces spikes of rich blue/purple flowers in Spring, above dark, sometimes almost black, foliage.

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Alcea rosea Ex. 'Jet Black' NCG 302 Alcea rosea Ex. 'Jet Black'
Hollyhock, Ex. 'Jet Black'

Deepest, deepest red-purple - as close to black as you can get! Although strictly speaking a perennial, this very popular cottage garden plant is best treated as a biennial, particularly since it can be susceptible to rust. These are very tall plants and some support is recommended.

NOTE: Since…

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Allium  cristophii AGM NCG 095 Allium cristophii AGM
Star of Persia

Beautiful giant orbs of lilac flowers are followed by exquisite spherical seed heads and are wonderful for dried flower arrangements. The dried stems are very weak; the solution is to very carefully push a slender woody stem (I use willow) or heavy wire down the stem, preferably while it is…

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Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation' AGM NCG 435 Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation' AGM
Ornamental Onion 'Purple Sensation'

The perfect choice for hot and dry conditions, this beautiful allium looks wonderful planted in drifts. The umbels of rich, purple flowers are 3 inches across and borne on strong, upright stems.

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Allium hollandicum Syn. aflatunense NCG 681 Allium hollandicum Syn. aflatunense
Persian onion

The seeds offered have been collected from particularly rich-magenta flowers. The 3 inch globes have prominent stamens and look wonderful grown en masse!

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Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids NCG 610 Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids
Peruvian lily

Flowers in a range of colours, from white through warm yellows, oranges and reds to shades of pink, on strong, straight stems with glossy foliage. Prefers soil that is not too limey.

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Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata NCG 148 Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata
Porcelain berry

This vine-like plant is attractive in all respects, but particularly for its stunningly coloured berries, which range from soft blue-green through turquoise to purple. It grows vigorously in the right conditions. Positioning on a sheltered south-facing wall in poorish soil and restricting root growth gives the best environment for reliable…

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Anemone pavonina NCG 326 Anemone pavonina
Peacock anemone

This spectacular, spring-flowering anemone is a Mediterranean species with dark-green leaves and bright, cup-shaped blooms in pink, purple or red, usually with a white eye. It is happiest in a sunny position in free-draining soil, either towards the front of a border, in containers or naturalised in grass.

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Aquilegia viridiflora 'Chocolate Soldier' NCG 609 Aquilegia viridiflora 'Chocolate Soldier'
Columbine 'Chocolate Soldier'

Unusual chocolate-brown petals with contrasting yellow-green stamens make this little aquilegia a stunning addition to the garden. Works well at front of border of in rockeries. Highly recommended!

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Aquilegia vulgaris 'Miss M I Huish' NCG 793 Aquilegia vulgaris 'Miss M I Huish'
Granny's bonnet, Columbine 'Miss M I Huish'

A beautiful, deep-violet, spurless, double variety of the classic cottage garden plant.

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Aquilegia vulgaris Ex. 'William Guiness' NCG 570 Aquilegia vulgaris Ex. 'William Guiness'
Aquilegia 'Magpie', Columbine, Granny's Bonnet

Known both as A. 'Magpie' and A. 'William Guinness', this striking variety has deep red-purple (almost black) sepals and spurs and white-edged 'blades' - the modified petals at the centre of the flower.

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Aquilegia vulgaris, various NCG 298 Aquilegia vulgaris, various
Granny's bonnet, various

A mixture of single, double and ruffled plants or seeds in a variety of colours - dark-purple, blue, white and pink. I'm also offering packets containing seeds from specific plants, but there may be some cross-pollination.

Note: Plants, when offered, may be bare-rooted, depending on season.

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Berkheya purpurea NCG 885 Berkheya purpurea
Purple berkheya

Description coming soon.

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Brimeura amethystina AGM NCG 242 Brimeura amethystina AGM
Amethyst hyacinth, Spanish hyacinth

The delicate, pale blue, nodding bells of this pretty bulbous plant are fragrant and much loved by butterflies. Although the common name refers to it as a hyacinth, it is in fact only distantly related. NOTE: Not to be confused with the Spanish bluebell, which is a thug and…

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Campanula glomerata NCG 404 Campanula glomerata
Clustered bellflower, Dane's blood

Clusters of deep-blue bell-shaped flowers on straight stems from early summer. A very pretty plant, but spreads by underground runners and can be rather invasive, so position carefully.

Note: Bare-rooted plants, when on offer, may look a little untidy, particularly early in the year. Don't worry - they will establish…

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