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Campanula lactiflora NCG 064 Campanula lactiflora
Milky Bellflower

A tall, stately campanula, pale blue/lilac or white. Makes a dynamic statement at the back of the border and is also lovely cut flower if you can bear to remove it from the garden! Masses of blooms on stems up to 2m high. Much in demand by visitors to the…

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Campanula portenschlagiana Syn. muralis NCG 669 Campanula portenschlagiana Syn. muralis
Dalmatian bellflower, Wall bellflower

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Campanula punctata 'Kent Belle' NCG 598 Campanula punctata 'Kent Belle'
Bellflower 'Kent Belle'

Nodding heads of deep-violet narrow, tubular flowers adorn this attractive campanula. Will probably not always come true from seed, but my experience with another campanula with similarly shaped flowers (Campanula takesimana) is that collected seeds are are likely to produce plants with blooms of a similar shape and habit, though…

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Campanula takesimana NCG 356 Campanula takesimana
Korean bellflower

This lovely campanula bears drooping, tubular bells an inch or more long, coloured soft pink fading to white at the tips, in mid-summer. The leaves, which form an attractive basal rosette, are rich-green, heart-shaped, slightly glossy and serrated.

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Catananche caerulea bicolor NCG 567 Catananche caerulea bicolor
White Cupid's Dart

This pretty plant produces a basal rosette of narrow, grey-green leaves, above which wiry stems rise in summer, topped with white flowers with violet-blue eyes. The papery seedheads are very attractive and are useful for dried flower arrangements.

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Centaurea montana NCG 014 Centaurea montana
Perennial cornflower, Mountain bluet

This wildflower has been a popular garden plant for generations. Rich blue with a reddish-purple centre, it makes a good cut flower for smaller arrangements and posies. Dead-head regularly to promote fresh blooms. The plant has a lax habit, so either cut long stems back by half to discourage legginess…

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Cerinthe major var. purpurascens NCG 094 Cerinthe major var. purpurascens
Cerinthe, Honeywort, Blue shrimp plant

Deep purple, almost indigo, clusters of bells dangle above attractive glaucous, grey-green foliage. This wildflower is much loved by bees and butterflies. It self-seeds happily (but not invasively) in the gravel patio area in my garden, where it looks charming.

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Cichorium intybus NCG 853 Cichorium intybus
Common chicory

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Clematis viticella 'Chatsworth' NCG 509 Clematis viticella 'Chatsworth'
Italian leather flower, Purple clematis, Virgin's bower 'Chatsworth'

A wild form of clematis originating from southern Europe, with nodding, pale-mauve flowers with four, or occasionally five, petals (or, more accurately, tepals), each having a darker stripe down the middle. A good choice for scrampling over walls or large shrubs in a spot offering some shade.

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Cleome hassleriana NCG 286 Cleome hassleriana
Spider flower, Skunk flower

A striking plant, with spiky, pink or mauve flowers from June to early Autumn on tall stems with palmate leaves. The whole plant has a musky odour that has been variously described as skunky or not unlike that of marijuana, though others think it more akin to citronella!

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Cobaea Scandens AGM NCG 166 Cobaea Scandens AGM
Cup and Saucer Vine

This climber, which must usually be treated as an annual in the UK when situated outside, but can be successfully grown as a perennial indoors if warmth and some humidity are provided, is the perfect choice for a sunny, sheltered wall, trellis or pergola. Once the young plants have acclimatised,…

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Consolida ajacis NCG 017 Consolida ajacis
Larkspur, Annual Delphinium, Doubtful knight's spur

More dainty than the related delphinium, larkspur produces pink or deep blue blooms freely throughout the summer months, on tall stems with finely cut, feathery foliage. Quite variable in height. A good cut flower, if you can bear to remove it from the garden, where it always looks so beautiful!…

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Corydalis temulifolia syn. quantmeyerana 'Chocolate Stars' NCG 418 Corydalis temulifolia syn. quantmeyerana 'Chocolate Stars'
Corydalis 'Chocolate Stars'

A hard to find Corydalis with unique chocolate brown spring foliage which fades to green by summer. The leaf edge is nicely serrated and very pale lavender flowers are borne in early summer. If grown in shade with ample soil moisture, it will not go summer dormant. Grows 12-16in high…

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Cynara cardunculus NCG 625 Cynara cardunculus

The cardoon, also called the artichoke thistle, is a member of the sunflower family. It is native to the western and central Mediterranean region. A robust plant, growing up to 2.4m/8 feet tall, it produces large, purplish-pink, thistle-like flower heads above divided, grey-green foliage. The immature flowers, called globe artichokes,…

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Datura metel 'Blackcurrant Swirl' NCG 696 Datura metel 'Blackcurrant Swirl'
Angel's trumpet 'Blackcurrant Swirl'

Although strictly speaking a perennial shrub, this dynamic plant is usually grown as an annual, but container-grown plants can be overwintered in a conservatory or heated greenhouse. HIGHLY POISONOUS!!!

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Delphinium requienii NCG 599 Delphinium requienii
Requin's larkspur

A beautiful plant which is seldom seen in the UK, Requin's larkspur produces spikes of soft, brownish-blue flowers, reminiscent of orchids, above attractive, shiny leaves (which, unlike those of other delphiniums, are said to be of no interest to slugs and snails). Usually grown as a biennial, but will flower…

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Didiscus caeruleus, Lacy Series NCG 452 Didiscus caeruleus, Lacy Series
Lace flower, mixed

A most attractive (to pollinating insects as well as humans!), long-flowering annual. The umbels of blooms in soft shades of pink, blue, mauve and white are sweetly scented and make an excellent cut flower.

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Dierama species mixed NCG 446 Dierama species mixed
Angel's Fishing Rod

Description coming later.

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Digitalis purpurea NCG 447 Digitalis purpurea

This, the original, wild form of the traditional cottage garden biennial plant, will be familiar to all, with its tall spires of blooms in a variety of pink shades above rosettes of large, mid-green leaves. The flowers are much loved by pollinating insects, especially bumble bees.

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Echinops exaltatus NCG 229 Echinops exaltatus
Giant globe thistle

The largest echinops, growing to at least 2m tall - and usually more, looks magnificent at the back of the bed or as a specimen plant. It is advisable to remove seed heads before they disintegrate, as the thick, long roots can make unwanted, self-seeded, plants difficult to remove. But…

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