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Acanthus spinosus NCG 001 Acanthus spinosus
Bear's Britches

This stately, dramatic plant is happiest in full sun, but will also tolerate deep shade. Very useful cut flower, both fresh and dried. The flower spikes, with white blooms with purple bracts, appear above deeply divided dark green foliage.

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Achillea millefolium NCG 233 Achillea millefolium
Common Yarrow, Milfoil

A plant of many names! It has variously been called, Devil's Nettle, Hundred-leaved Grass, Lace Plant, Milfoil, Nose Pepper, Nosebleed, Sanguinarya and Soldier's Woundwort (to name just a few), some clearly referring to its medicinal properties, others to its appearance. Whilst many cultivars are available, this wild flower is white…

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Achillea millefolium, Pink NCG 638 Achillea millefolium, Pink
Pink yarrow

A cultivar of the familiar white or cream wild flower, with flat heads of tiny, deep-pink blooms with white eyes, held on wiry stems clothed in very fine, ferny, dark-green foliage. Attractive to bees, hoverflies and other beneficial insects.

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Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl' NCG 456 Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl'
Sneezewort 'The Pearl'

'The Pearl' produces sprays of small, white, double flowers on wiry stems about 24 inches/60cm high, with narrow, toothed leaves. A spreading plant which is not too difficult to control in lighter soils. The blooms tend to last longer if the plant is sited in part shade, but full sunlight…

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Acis Syn. Leucojum autumnalis Syn. autumnale NCG 399 Acis Syn. Leucojum autumnalis Syn. autumnale
Autumn Snowflake

Little white nodding bells on slender, red stems appear from late summer above bright-green, grass-like foliage. This is an attractive and unusual plant for the front of the border or in containers. Although said to prefer full sun, mine are in part shade and flourish there. Classified as half hardy,…

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Agapanthus campanulatus var. albidus NCG 087 Agapanthus campanulatus var. albidus
White bell agapanthus

Given the right conditions - full sun and rich, moisture retentive but well-drained soil, this deciduous form of Agapanthus will reward with lovely white blooms above bright green strap-like leaves, particularly if fed regularly. A good choice for large containers, but must be kept well-watered. Generally hardy, but may benefit…

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Alcea rosea, mixed NCG 005 Alcea rosea, mixed
Hollyhock, single

I am offering here not only mixed-colour seeds but a selection of packets containing seed collected from individual plants that I thought particularly pretty, but they cannot be guaranteed to come true. (NOTE: Seeds from black hollyhock are listed separately.)

Although strictly speaking a perennial, this very popular cottage…

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Allium  fistulosum NCG 007 Allium fistulosum
Welsh Onion, Bunching Onion

A non-bulbing 'bunching onion' that is useful when just a hint of onion is required. An attractive plant that can be grown in an ornamental bed. Bees and other beneficial insects love it!

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Allium ursinum NCG 721 Allium ursinum
Ramsons, Wild garlic

The wide, bright green leaves of this pretty woodland plant have a mild garlic flavour and can be used in salads. In spring it produces attractive heads of small white flowers - which are also edible, as are the shoots, stems, roots and seeds! Ransoms require shady, moist conditions.

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Allium vineale NCG 401 Allium vineale
Crow garlic

Although crow garlic is often considered a weed (the bulbils produced at the tip of the stems fall to the ground and can cause it to spread rather too eagerly!), if you don't have space to grow proper garlic but would like to add a hint of fresh garlic to…

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Aloe barbadensis NCG 846 Aloe barbadensis
Aloe vera, Barbados aloe,

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Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids NCG 610 Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids
Peruvian lily

Flowers in a range of colours, from white through warm yellows, oranges and reds to shades of pink, on strong, straight stems with glossy foliage. Prefers soil that is not too limey.

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Alstroemeria pulchella Syn. psittacina 'Mona Lisa' NCG 462 Alstroemeria pulchella Syn. psittacina 'Mona Lisa'
Lily of the Incas, Peruvian Lily, Parrot lily

Unlike many other Peruvian lilies, 'Mona Lisa' is known to come true from seed. It makes a wonderful cut flower (if you can bear to remove it from the garden!), with large heads of dark-red, speckled flowers with tinges of green on strong, straight stems with glossy foliage. Prefers soil…

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Ammi majus NCG 088 Ammi majus
False Bishop's Weed, Herb William

Rather like cow parsley, but both flowers and foliage are much finer. This annual is a very useful filler plant for flower arrangers and is very attractive to bees. Plant en masse for best effect. A similar, but less well known plant (in my opinion far superior, and a perennial…

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Anemone Syn. Eriocapitella x hybrida  'Honorine Jobert' AGM NCG 067 Anemone Syn. Eriocapitella x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' AGM
Japanese Anemone 'Honorine Jobert'

Japanese anemones are best grown in a position where there is space for them to spread. They can be invasive but this is weighed against their attractiveness and usefulness in the garden. A tall plant with dark green lobed foliage on strong, straight stems which support clear white cupped flowers…

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Apium graveolens secalinum NCG 236 Apium graveolens secalinum
Leaf celery, Wild celery, 'Par-Cel', Smallage

Looking almost identical to flat leaved parsley, all parts of this plant have a strong celery scent and flavour. Add a sprig or finely chopped leaves to stocks and sauces. The insignificant flowers are white, followed by masses of seed, which can be used to make celery salt (hover over…

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Aquilegia vulgaris Ex. 'William Guiness' NCG 570 Aquilegia vulgaris Ex. 'William Guiness'
Aquilegia 'Magpie', Columbine, Granny's Bonnet

Known both as A. 'Magpie' and A. 'William Guinness', this striking variety has deep red-purple (almost black) sepals and spurs and white-edged 'blades' - the modified petals at the centre of the flower.

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Aquilegia vulgaris Ex. Alba NCG 275 Aquilegia vulgaris Ex. Alba
Granny's Bonnet - White

There is a large clump of the single white variety of this familiar and much loved cottage garden plant established behind the pond, and it often breeds true. Although there could be some cross-pollination with other colours in the garden, I am confident that the seeds offered will produce a…

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Aquilegia vulgaris, various NCG 298 Aquilegia vulgaris, various
Granny's bonnet, various

A mixture of single, double and ruffled plants or seeds in a variety of colours - dark-purple, blue, white and pink. I'm also offering packets containing seeds from specific plants, but there may be some cross-pollination.

Note: Plants, when offered, may be bare-rooted, depending on season.

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Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Marmoratum' AGM NCG 011 Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Marmoratum' AGM
Italian arum 'Marmoratum', Variegated Cuckoopint, Lords-and-Ladies

The boldly marbled, arrow-shaped leaves appear in autumn and last right through most of the year. Seedlings may look unpromising at first, but as the plants grow the leaves develop their beautiful markings. Plant under trees to light up dark areas. When plants are on offer they are usually self…

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Aruncus dioicus AGM NCG 247 Aruncus dioicus AGM
Goat's beard, Buck's beard, Bride's feathers

Resembling an astilbe, but larger and more vigorous, this stunning plant gives a wonderful display of creamy-white, feathery flower plumes in late spring to early summer. The flowers retain their freshness longer in more shady areas, but the plant will also perform well in full sun. Well deserving of the…

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Asparagus officinalis NCG 400 Asparagus officinalis
Garden asparagus

Growing this delicious and exceedingly healthy vegetable from seed might seem a strange idea, since there is a long wait before even crowns can be harvested. Seed-grown asparagus means another year's wait, but the plants will tend to be stronger and healthier than those from bare-rooted crowns that may have…

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Astrantia major 'Sunningdale Variegated' NCG 539 Astrantia major 'Sunningdale Variegated'
Masterwort 'Sunningdale Variegated'

This lovely astrantia produces masses of the usual pincushion blooms, which are pink with green tinges. But it really comes into its own in early spring, when the young foliage has strong white and green variegation. The white changes to cream and then yellow as the season progresses, and eventually…

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Astrantia major subsp. involucrata 'Shaggy' AGM NCG 012 Astrantia major subsp. involucrata 'Shaggy' AGM
Masterwort 'Shaggy' (a.k.a. 'Margery Fish')

This astrantia form, with its white pincushion blooms, which are tinted green, is happy in shade and is said to repel slugs, so try planting near hostas. Makes a very good cut flower which lasts well and also can usually be successfully dried for winter arrangements. Although harvested from plants…

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Astrantia mixed NCG 069 Astrantia mixed
Masterwort, mixed

This astrantia mix should produce pincushion blooms which are pink or white with green tinges. It is happy in shade and is said to repel slugs, so try planting near hostas. Makes a very good cut flower which lasts well and also can usually be successfully dried for winter arrangements.

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Borago officinalis, Blue NCG 593 Borago officinalis, Blue
Borage, Blue

Borage is edible - the flowers, which have a flavour reminiscent of cucumber, can be added to summer drinks or as a garnish on salads and other cold dishes. The leaves can also be added, wilted, to Mediterranean recipes such as pasta sauces and to ravioli stuffing. Borage is very…

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Callistephus chinensis, Ex. single white NCG 854 Callistephus chinensis, Ex. single white
Chinese aster, single white

Masses of white, single flowers with prominent yellow centres adorn this plant from mid-summer into autumn.

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Campanula lactiflora NCG 064 Campanula lactiflora
Milky Bellflower

A tall, stately campanula, pale blue/lilac or white. Makes a dynamic statement at the back of the border and is also lovely cut flower if you can bear to remove it from the garden! Masses of blooms on stems up to 2m high. Much in demand by visitors to the…

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Campanula persicifolia Ex. 'Alba' NCG 098 Campanula persicifolia Ex. 'Alba'
White bellflower

A typical cottage garden plant, this campanula, with its papery, nodding white bells on tall, straight stems above low-growing foliage, is perfect for the middle of the border and is particularly effective if planted en masse. A good cut flower. Since these are open-pollinated plants, some variation may occur in…

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Campanula takesimana NCG 356 Campanula takesimana
Korean bellflower

This lovely campanula bears drooping, tubular bells an inch or more long, coloured soft pink fading to white at the tips, in mid-summer. The leaves, which form an attractive basal rosette, are rich-green, heart-shaped, slightly glossy and serrated.

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Catananche caerulea bicolor NCG 567 Catananche caerulea bicolor
White Cupid's Dart

This pretty plant produces a basal rosette of narrow, grey-green leaves, above which wiry stems rise in summer, topped with white flowers with violet-blue eyes. The papery seedheads are very attractive and are useful for dried flower arrangements.

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Cenolophium denudatum NCG 705 Cenolophium denudatum
Baltic parsley

Although somewhat similar to cow parsley (but bushier), both flowers and foliage of this attractive hardy perennial are more refined. A very useful filler plant for flower arrangers. There is a similar annual plant, Ammi majus, that is perhaps easier for direct sowing, but is rather coarser in…

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Centranthus ruber NCG 092 Centranthus ruber

A classic cottage garden plant with delicate sprays of white, pink or red flowers held above grey green foliage. Perfectly happy in poor, stony, chalky soil, but is will tolerate other more-or-less neutral soil types. Although a perennial, perhaps better treated as a biennial as older plants tend to become…

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Cerastium tomentosum NCG 438 Cerastium tomentosum
Snow-in-Summer, White rock flower

This evergreen, mat-forming perennial has small, grey-green leaves and produces a veritable carpet of small white blooms in late spring through to early summer. A wonderful plant to grow at the front of borders or tumbling over walls. It requires very free-draining soil as it does not like its roots…

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Chamaemelum syn. Anthemis nobile syn. nobilis 'Flore Pleno' NCG 320 Chamaemelum syn. Anthemis nobile syn. nobilis 'Flore Pleno'
Double flowered Chamomile

Delightful in all respects, this highly scented double-flowered form of perennial chamomile has feathery leaves and inch-wide, creamy-white blooms. Best planted in containers or at the edge of borders, where, when brushed against, both leaves and flowers release their strong, sweet, apple-like fragrance. NOTE: Depending on season, plants are sometimes…

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Cobaea scandens f. Alba AGM NCG 396 Cobaea scandens f. Alba AGM
White Cup and Saucer Vine

A white-flowered version of the more familiar purple/blue, this climber, which must usually be treated as an annual in the UK when situated outside, but can be successfully grown as a perennial indoors if warmth and some humidity are provided, is the perfect choice for a sunny, sheltered wall, trellis…

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Convallaria majalis NCG 835 Convallaria majalis

Description coming soon

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Cosmos bipinnatus 'Double Click Snow Puff' NCG 887 Cosmos bipinnatus 'Double Click Snow Puff'

A wonderful addition to the cosmos family, this variety has pure white, fully double flowers. For best effect plants should be as close to each other as 9 inches or so and planted en masse. Soil should be reasonably fertile, but if it is too rich, tall, lanky plants may…

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Cosmos bipinnatus 'Mixed' NCG 322 Cosmos bipinnatus 'Mixed'
Cosmos 'Mixed'

A mixture of white, pinks and muted-red flowers - some striped - on stems a metre or more high, clothed in finely divided foliage. Although the recommendation is to plant 18in apart, for best effect plants can be as close to each other as 9 inches or so and planted…

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Cosmos bipinnatus 'Purity' NCG 815 Cosmos bipinnatus 'Purity'
Cosmos, ex. single white

Masses of pure white, singe blooms with yellow centres throughout the summer, on tall stems with finely divided, bright-green foliage. Drought tolerant. Some say it is unnecessary to thin direct sown plants. Soil that is too rich may result in tall, lanky plants. NOTE: Seeds, when offered, are collected from…

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Cosmos bipinnatus Ex. Semi-Double White NCG 019 Cosmos bipinnatus Ex. Semi-Double White
Cosmos, semi-double white

Masses of pure white, semi-double blooms with yellow centres (with perhaps the odd single) throughout the summer, on tall stems with finely divided foliage. Drought tolerant. Some say it is unnecessary to thin direct sown plants. Soil that is too rich may result in tall, lanky plants. I cannot guarantee…

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Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis 'Hearts of Gold' NCG 490 Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis 'Hearts of Gold'
Cantaloupe or Musk Melon 'Hearts of Gold'

An heirloom variety, dating back to 1895, which has stood the test of time and is very suitable for growing in the UK. The fruits are ribbed, dark-green with heavy white netting and the deep-orange flesh is very sweet and fragrant.

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Cyclamen hederifolium NCG 517 Cyclamen hederifolium
Hardy cyclamen, Ivy-leaved cyclamen

A delightful autumn-flowering woodland plant, with leaves shaped a little like ivy, though more tapered, strongly patterned with silver-green markings. The flowers are pink and sometimes delicately scented, usually appearing before the foliage. Looks wonderful naturalised under trees.

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Datura stramonium NCG 234 Datura stramonium
Jimson Weed, Thorn Apple

Datura produces white, fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers and light green foliage, but the most striking part of the plant is its large spiky seed pods. They make a very interesting addition to dried flower arrangements. Although originating from warmer countries, this plant has become widely naturalised in the UK. HIGHLY POISONOUS!!!…

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Dicentra formosa oregona 'Pearl Drops' NCG 422 Dicentra formosa oregona 'Pearl Drops'
Western or Pacific bleeding heart

This wild form of dicentra is less well-known than the spectabilis species, but no less attractive. The familiar heart-shaped blooms are creamy-white, usually with pink tips, appearing in profusion in spring above very attractive, glaucous, finely divided foliage. A lovely plant to grow in shade or part shade. It tends…

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Didiscus caeruleus, Lacy Series NCG 452 Didiscus caeruleus, Lacy Series
Lace flower, mixed

A most attractive (to pollinating insects as well as humans!), long-flowering annual. The umbels of blooms in soft shades of pink, blue, mauve and white are sweetly scented and make an excellent cut flower.

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Digitalis purpurea NCG 447 Digitalis purpurea

This, the original, wild form of the traditional cottage garden biennial plant, will be familiar to all, with its tall spires of blooms in a variety of pink shades above rosettes of large, mid-green leaves. The flowers are much loved by pollinating insects, especially bumble bees.

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Digitalis purpurea 'Pam's Choice' NCG 664 Digitalis purpurea 'Pam's Choice'
Foxglove 'Pam's Choice'

A two-toned foxglove, white with strongly contrasting, dark-maroon speckling in the throat.

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Digitalis purpurea Ex. f. albiflora NCG 248 Digitalis purpurea Ex. f. albiflora
White Foxglove

An attractive white form of the familiar cottage garden foxglove. Seed is collected only from pure white plants but may not all come true - sowing more than you need and discarding young plants with red tinges at the base of leaves should help you obtain white plants. When plants…

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Digitalis purpurea subsp. heywoodii 'Silver Cub' NCG 523 Digitalis purpurea subsp. heywoodii 'Silver Cub'
Foxglove 'Silver Cub'

The beautiful white flower spikes of this variety are enhanced by the foliage, which is covered in fine white hairs, giving a silvery appearance and silky to the touch. Can be grown as an annual, flowering in its first year if sown in January or February.

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Echinacea purpurea NCG 021 Echinacea purpurea
Purple coneflower

Much-loved by butterflies and other pollinating insects, this dynamic plant produces clumps of dark-green, somewhat hairy leaves from which large, daisies with rather lax, purple petals and brown, conical central discs grow, on tall, straight stems. Echinacea prefers full sun, but will tolerate part-shade. Echinacea is said to have immune-system…

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Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' NCG 442 Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'
White coneflower

Much-loved by butterflies and other pollinating insects, the white version of this dynamic plant produces clumps of dark-green, rather hairy leaves from which large, daisies with rather lax, white petals and brown, conical central discs grow, on tall, straight stems. Echinacea prefers full sun, but will tolerate part-shade. Echinacea is…

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Erigeron karvinskianus NCG 563 Erigeron karvinskianus
Mexican fleabane

A very pretty plant for front of border, Erigeron produces masses of dainty, daisy-like pink and white flowers about 2cm in diameter in late spring and throughout the summer, above dark-green foliage.

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Eryngium bourgatii NCG 739 Eryngium bourgatii
Mediterranean sea holly

Description coming soon.

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Eschscholzia californica Ex. 'White Linen' NCG 475 Eschscholzia californica Ex. 'White Linen'
Californian Poppy 'White Linen'

This drought-tolerant plant, with its finely divided grey-green foliage and shiny creamy petals, looks wonderful near the edge of the border. Cut quite hard back after the first flush of flowers and it will quickly regenerate and flower well into autumn without becoming too straggly. They will happily grow in…

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Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride' NCG 059 Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride'
Pearl Bush

Arching sprays of small, fragrant, white flowers appear along the length of stems in late spring/early summer, followed by interesting star-shaped seed pods which tend to stay on the plant throughout the winter. I was delighted to find that this is a very easy plant to grow from seed.

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Fragaria vesca NCG 553 Fragaria vesca
Wild strawberry (single form)

Description coming soon.

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Fragaria vesca 'Flore Pleno' NCG 554 Fragaria vesca 'Flore Pleno'
Wild strawberry 'Flore Pleno' (Double form)

Description coming soon.

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Galanthus nivalis NCG 533 Galanthus nivalis
Common snowdrop

Snowdrops, with their delicately green-tipped white flowers, flower in late winter/early spring and look beautiful naturalised in drifts under trees, but will be happy in most other locations, including containers. Bulbs offered will be sourced to order from my various patches of naturalised snowdrops and delivered potted, so that there…

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Galium odoratum NCG 737 Galium odoratum
Sweet woodruff, Sweet-scented bedstraw

A useful low-growing ground cover plant for shady areas. Tiny white flowers above bright-green divided foliage. Forms a dense mat of fine roots, so also useful for stabilising light soils on slopes.Can be invasive, so site carefully.

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Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White' NCG 256 Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White'

Large, delicate white flowers with delicate pink veining appear in spring and sporadically into summer, on slender stems above intricately divided leaves. Although not as vigorous as most hardy geraniums, taking longer to make a sizeable clump than others, its sheer beauty well and truly makes up for this shortcoming.…

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Geranium macrorrhizum 'White-Ness' NCG 582 Geranium macrorrhizum 'White-Ness'
Bigroot cranesbill

This lovely evergreen ground cover plant for shade or part shade forms mounds of attractive foliage and bears papery white flowers with yellow stamens from spring and right through to the first frosts. If plants are not listed, I can split to order, so please let me know if you'd…

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Geranium phaeum, various NCG 507 Geranium phaeum, various
Dusky cranesbill

Although a British native, Geranium phaeum is perhaps more commonly seen as a cultivated garden plant, particularly in colours singled out as particularly attractive. These appear in Spring and range from deepest-purple to near-white. The lobed or divided foliage varies in colour too, from mid to dark green, often with…

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Geranium pratense 'Striatum' ('Splish Splash') NCG 675 Geranium pratense 'Striatum' ('Splish Splash')
Meadow cranesbill 'Striatum' ('Splish Splash')

As the name suggests, the petals of this geranium have splishes and splashes of blue and white. Please note that although the seeds offered have been collected only from such plants, other G. pratense are grown in the garden, so there is the possibility of some cross-fertilisation.

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Geranium pratense f. albiflorum NCG 068 Geranium pratense f. albiflorum
Meadow cranesbill

This delightful geranium, which has a long flowering period, appeared from nowhere! A tall variety with strong, upright stems bearing pure white blooms about 1.25in/3cm across with green veining. Happy in full sun or part shade. Since there are other geraniums growing in the garden, it is possible (although in…

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Geranium renardii 'Phillipe Vapelle' NCG 463 Geranium renardii 'Phillipe Vapelle'
Renard geranium 'Tschelda'

A delightful geranium, chiefly due to its rounded, velvety, deeply textured leaves. The standard variety has pinkish-white flowers with purple-red veining, but these are a soft mauve, also with strong veining, and I believe them to be a variety named 'Tschelda'. Loved by pollinating insects and much recommended to humans!

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Geranium sanguineum Album AGM NCG 255 Geranium sanguineum Album AGM
Bloody cranesbill 'Album'

About a foot high, this is very attractive front-of-border choice, with a succession of pure white flowers and inch or more across above divided mid-green foliage. Blooms profusely in late spring/early summer, but continues to flower more sporadically for months more. It is very happy in dry and exposed areas,…

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Gladiolus murielae NCG 416 Gladiolus murielae
Abyssinian gladiolus, Sword lily, Peacock lily

So much daintier than most other gladiolus, and with a deliciously spicy scent too! The flowers are funnel-shaped, white with a purple blotch at their centre, rising above light-green, sword-shaped leaves. Highly recommended. Synonyms are Acidanthera bicolor, Gladiolus callianthus and (less commonly), Ixia quartiniana and Sphaerospora gigantea.

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Gypsophila cerastoides 'Pixie Splash' NCG 206 Gypsophila cerastoides 'Pixie Splash'
Mouse Ear Gypsophila 'Pixie Splash'

A diminutive, mat-forming, alpine gypsophila, standing only about 2-3in high. Mounds of tiny, slightly hairy, mid-green leaves studded with many small, pink-veined flowers from late spring to early summer. An unusual and attractive semi-evergreen plant for rockeries, containers and the front of borders. It is happiest in gritty soil that…

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Gypsophila elegans Mixed NCG 480 Gypsophila elegans Mixed
Annual Baby's Breath

A favourite with flower arrangers, but loved by pollinating insects too, with masses of tiny flowers in shades of pink and white on delicate, ferny foliage. Grow en masse for best effect.

NOTE: Externally sourced seeds.

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Hesperis matronalis NCG 448 Hesperis matronalis
Sweet rocket, Dame's violet

This sweet-scented, short-lived perennial attracts bees and other pollinating insects and is therefore perfect for naturalising in a wildlife-friendly garden. The loose heads of small flowers range in colour from almost white, through pale lilac to mauve. A perfect plant for the informal cottage garden. Also a good cut flower.

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Hibiscus trionum NCG 054 Hibiscus trionum
Flower-of-an-Hour, Venice Mallow, Bladder hibiscus, Bladder ketmia

This delightful plant, which is usually treated as an annual in the UK, produces creamy flowers with dark burgundy centres on stems clothed with dark green, lobed leaves. Each flower only lasts a day but in the right conditions it will bloom profusely, followed by very attractive seed pods, throughout…

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Hosta syn. funkia x hybrida NCG 472 Hosta syn. funkia x hybrida
Hosta, mixed

The seeds offered were mostly from the variety illustrated, but from a couple of others too. In any case, they are very unlikely to come true, but it could be fun to see that they produce and you may even discover some unique variations of this attractive shade-loving plant!

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Houttuynia cordata NCG 321 Houttuynia cordata
Heart-leaved houttuynia, Fish mint

Description coming soon

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Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' NCG 251 Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Hydrangea 'Annabelle', Smooth hydrangea, Wild hydrangea, Sevenbark

I've never known anyone unfamiliar with this delightful plant not to request it when they see it in bloom in the garden! The domed flower heads are composed of masses of small blooms, lime green at first, turning creamy-white (and almost spherical) when in full bloom and a lovely parchment…

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Iris germanica, White NCG 687 Iris germanica, White
Bearded iris, White

A gorgeous, tall and robust bearded iris, The flowers are white, with a very slight blueish tone. Flowering profusely, the blooms rise on strong stems, contrasting well with the grey-green, sword-shaped foliage. A delightful plant.

NOTE: Depending on season, plants, when available, may be trimmed back and/or barerooted for…

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Kniphofia caulescens NCG 457 Kniphofia caulescens
Caulescent red-hot poker

Description coming soon.

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Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' NCG 579 Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver'
Spotted dead nettle 'Beacon Silver'

This lovely, low-growing ground cover plant has a spreading habit, but is relatively easy to keep in check. The heavily marked foliage is delightful, and the plant has the added bonus of pink flowers. Best grown in shade or part-shade and will happily tolerate both dry and wet soils.

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Lamium Syn. Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. Argentatum 'Herman's Pride' NCG 439 Lamium Syn. Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. Argentatum 'Herman's Pride'
Variegated Yellow Archangel 'Herman's Pride'

A small, variegated nettle with spikes of yellow flowers. A good choice for woodland planting or at the front of shady borders.

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Lathyrus latifolius 'Albus' NCG 031 Lathyrus latifolius 'Albus'
White everlasting sweet pea

Although unscented, the everlasting sweet pea is most attractive grown against a sunny wall, trellis or fence - or permitted to grow through a large shrub or small tree - and provides masses of flower stems. Very suitable for cutting. These seeds are gathered from Lathyrus latifolius 'Alba' and are…

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Lathyrus odoratus NCG 030 Lathyrus odoratus
Mixed Sweet Pea

This mixture of sweet peas in pink, red, blue, mauve and maybe occasionally pale yellow (lathyrus chloranthus). Something of a Jamboree bag, but will no doubt produce some attractive plants and all will complement each other!

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Lathyrus odoratus 'Painted Lady' NCG 504 Lathyrus odoratus 'Painted Lady'
Sweet Pea 'Painted Lady'

One of my favourite sweet peas... the highly-scented flowers are smallish, with dark-pink banners, pale pink (sometimes almost white) wings and a greenish-white keel. Very limited stock, unfortunately!

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Lathyrus odoratus 'Wiltshire Ripple' NCG 214 Lathyrus odoratus 'Wiltshire Ripple'
Sweet Pea 'Wiltshire Ripple'

This delightful heirloom variety of sweet pea is deliciously scented and its distinctive marking make it a must for my garden! Highly recommended.

NOTE: Externally sourced seeds.

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Ledebouria socialis NCG 558 Ledebouria socialis
Silver squill, Purple squill, South African Scilla, Leopard Lily

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Leucanthemella serotina NCG 168 Leucanthemella serotina
Autumn Ox Eye, High Daisy, Giant Daisy

Masses of white daisy flowers about 2 inches across top this tall plant, which is more delicate than the related Leucanthemum superbum. The stems are taller and less lax, seldom needing support. Much recommended, both for the back of the border and as a cut flower.


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Leucanthemum  x superbum NCG 254 Leucanthemum x superbum
Shasta Daisy

Welcome colour at the back end of the year - masses of white daisies 3-4in across in late summer/early autumn, held on tall stems clothed in small, rather shiny, toothed dark-green leaves. Perfect for the back of the border, where it will quickly form a large clump. The stems can…

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Linum perenne Nanum Album 'Diamant' NCG 623 Linum perenne Nanum Album 'Diamant'
White perennial flax

Description coming soon. Externally sourced seeds.

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Linum  usitatissimum NCG 034 Linum usitatissimum
Common Flax, Linseed

The delicate flowers of this dainty plant are sky-blue or white, on fine, grey-blue foliage - a delight to see en masse! Ours appeared from nowhere in my hot bed (flax is grown in the fields nearby, so the seeds were, no doubt, brought in by birds). Despite the fact…

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Lunaria annua var. albiflora syn. alba NCG 652 Lunaria annua var. albiflora syn. alba
White-flowered honesty

A white-flowered variation on the old cottage garden favourite, the seedheads of which are often to be seen in dried floral arrangements. Carefully rub the seed pod (silicles) casings off the dried stems to reveal moon-shine like membranes that give this plant its Latin name. A trouble-free plant that will…

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Lupinus arboreus alba NCG 494 Lupinus arboreus alba
White Tree Lupin

This variety of tree lupin bears masses of beautiful white flower spikes in early summer. Although generally short-lived, plants produced from early-spring sowings can attain 2m in their first year, so casualties can be replaced very easily.

NOTE: Externally sourced seeds.

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Lysimachia clethroides AGM NCG 312 Lysimachia clethroides AGM
Gooseneck loosestrife

Lysimachia clethroides is very attractive, with its light-to-mid-green leaves and panicles of tiny, star shaped flowers in summer. Makes a very good cut flower. It is a vigorous plant that is best sited where is can be allowed to spread.

Plants may sometimes be supplied bare-rooted, but will easily…

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Maianthemum dilatatum NCG 299 Maianthemum dilatatum
False Lily-of-the-Valley

False Lily-of-the-Valley has beautiful, heart-shaped, mid-green leaves, which are shiny and textured with deep veins. Slender spikes bearing waxy, creamy-white blooms appear in Spring and early Summer, followed by green berries, which later turn translucent red. Prefers shade and nitrogen-rich soil, making this a good plant for underplanting in woodland…

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Melothria scabra NCG 726 Melothria scabra

Looking for all the world like miniature watermelons, these bite-sized cucumbers are full of flavour, with a hint of lime! Usually grown as an annual, but see growing instructions below.

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Mimulus x hybridus, mixed NCG 090 Mimulus x hybridus, mixed
Mimulus, Monkey Flower, mixed

A very useful plant for front of borders, baskets and other containers. The flowers are mostly yellow and red, but occasonally orange or cream. Although strictly speaking a perennial, best treated as an annual. For best results, ensure that the plants receive adequate water supplies, and cut back after flowering…

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Nasturtium microphyllum NCG 583 Nasturtium microphyllum
One-rowed Watercress

Description coming soon.

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Nemophila discoides 'Total Eclipse' NCG 189 Nemophila discoides 'Total Eclipse'
Black nemophila

A profusion of blooms no more than an inch across, coloured deep purple - almost black - with white edges. A lovely statement at the front of the border or tumbling from hanging baskets and planters.

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Nicotiana alata (Syn. affinis) var. grandiflora NCG 531 Nicotiana alata (Syn. affinis) var. grandiflora
Flowering tobacco, Jasmine tobacco

The queen of flowering tobacco plants! Taller and more robust than more modern varieties, the tall stems bear masses of pendulous, star-shaped blooms, starting greenish white, fading to cream and then white. Their wonderful fragrance wafts through the garden in the evenings. Highly recommended.

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Nicotiana sylvestris NCG 782 Nicotiana sylvestris
Woodland tobacco plant

With a deliciously rich evening scent and pendulous white flowers, this tall plant is a valuable addition to the garden, where it will flourish in both sun and part shade. Although usually grown as a biennial, in the right conditions it can survive as a (usually) short-lived perennial. Highly recommended.

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Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll' NCG 038 Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll'

Everything about this cottage garden favourite is spectacular, from the buds, through flowers to seed pods. The finely cut, bright-green foliage is bedecked with rich cornflower-blue flowers throughout the summer, which develop into seedpods, often tinged red and like spurred balloons. These are a lovely addition to dried flower arrangements.

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Nigella damascena 'Mulberry Rose' NCG 484 Nigella damascena 'Mulberry Rose'
Love-in-a-Mist 'Mulberry Rose'

Like her more common blue/white sister, this cottage garden annual, in shades soft pinks and occasional white, is a must! Everything about it is pretty, from the buds, through flowers to seed pods. The finely cut, bright-green foliage is bedecked with flowers throughout the summer, which develop into seedpods, often…

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Nigella sativa NCG 380 Nigella sativa
Fennel Flower, Nutmeg Flower, Roman Coriander, False Black Cumin, Black Seed

Similar in many respects to the more familiar Nigella damascena (Love in a Mist), but the flowers are smaller and usually white, occasionally pale blue, on delicate stems clothed in very finely divided foliage. In Asian countries the seeds are traditionally used in rice dishes and confectionery. They are also…

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Papaver orientale 'Checkers' NCG 571 Papaver orientale 'Checkers'

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Papaver somniferum, Ex. white, single NCG 473 Papaver somniferum, Ex. white, single
Opium Poppy, white, single

This variant of the opium poppy has pure white blooms, usually single, with perhaps an occasional double or semi-double. These seeds are harvested from white plants, but other colours grow nearby. Although these are removed as soon as identified to help prevent cross-pollination, it cannot be guaranteed that all these…

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Penstemon digitalis 'Huskers Red' NCG 621 Penstemon digitalis 'Huskers Red'

Spikes of pretty, pinkish-white blooms contras beautifully with maroon-tinted foliage. Flowering over many months, this is a lovely addition to the garden!

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Phacelia Symphony NCG 208 Phacelia Symphony
Phacelia 'Symphony'

A hardy annual which flowers for many months, producing hundreds of pretty, blue or white star-shaped flowers on rather lax stems bearing attractive, lobed, mid-green foliage. Works well planted at the front of the border and allowed to spill over to soften the edge. Also good as underplanting in large…

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Phaseolus vulgaris 'Lingua di Fuoco Nano' (dwarf) NCG 493 Phaseolus vulgaris 'Lingua di Fuoco Nano' (dwarf)
Borlotto (Borlotti) Bean 'Lingua di Fuoco Nano'

Both strikingly attractive and delicious, Borlotto beans, with their soft-red and creamy-white markings, sweet flavour and creamy texture, can be used both in casseroles or as an addition to salads. (There is no need to soak fresh beans before cooking, but if you intend to dry and store your crop,…

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Phlox paniculata 'White Admiral' AGM NCG 244 Phlox paniculata 'White Admiral' AGM
Garden Phlox, Perennial Phlox 'White Admiral'

This lovely plant has tall, erect stems clothed in light- to mid-green foliage at the top of which appear large, loose globes of pure white, scented flowers. It blooms for months and makes a wonderful addition to flower arrangements. As the flowers mature the perfume is reminiscent of caramel. Grow…

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Phlox paniculata Mixed NCG 398 Phlox paniculata Mixed
Garden Phlox, Perennial Phlox - Mixed

Perennial phlox does not usually come true from seed, so although these seeds come from the white and pink varieties illustrated, they could produce plants of almost any hue within the range from white to dark-pink. All very pretty, though, and they make a great cut flower!

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Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' NCG 608 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow'
Obedient plant, False dragonhead

This attractive and versatile plant grows 18-24in tall and has a long flowering season, producing strong spikes of tiny, brilliant-white foxglove-like flowers above mid-green, finely toothed foliage.

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Phytolacca acinosa Syn. esculenta NCG 201 Phytolacca acinosa Syn. esculenta
Indian Pokeweed, Inkberry, Pidgeonberry

Although invariably referred to as American pokeweed (P. decandra Syn. americana), the variety seen in UK gardens is almost certainly Indian pokeweed (P. asinosa Syn. esculenta). Both look very similar, but P. acinosa has vertical, upright inflorescences, whilst P. americana has lax, dangling, flower stems, with single, spherical fruits on…

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Primula Syn. Dodecatheon hendersonii Ex. alba NCG 328 Primula Syn. Dodecatheon hendersonii Ex. alba
Shooting star

Unusual and attractive, down-pointing candelabras of white flowers, yellow and black at the tips, appear in Spring on straight stems, arising from a rosette of rather fleshy, mid- to light-green leaves. They seem to be very shade-tolerant - mine are sited under an apple tree and put on a beautiful…

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Pseudofumaria alba  subsp. acaulis Syn. Corydalis ochroleuca NCG 832 Pseudofumaria alba subsp. acaulis Syn. Corydalis ochroleuca
Pale corydalis

Creamy flowers appear in spring and continue throughout the summer, above beautiful light-green divided foliage. Generally a short-lived perennial, but gently self-seeds.

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Pulmonaria officinalis 'Sissinghurst White' NCG 307 Pulmonaria officinalis 'Sissinghurst White'
White lungwort

All the pulmonarias are lovely shade plants, and no less this, the white form of the common type. A joy to see the white flowers adorn rather hairy stems up to 12 inches tall growing from a rosette of green foliage specked with white. A trouble free plant. Cut back…

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Salvia nemorosa Alba NCG 761 Salvia nemorosa Alba
Woodland sage, white

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Salvia x jamensis Syn. microphylla 'Hot Lips' NCG 587 Salvia x jamensis Syn. microphylla 'Hot Lips'
Woody sage 'Hot Lips'

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Scabiosa syn. Lomelosia caucasica, mixed NCG 524 Scabiosa syn. Lomelosia caucasica, mixed
Scabious, mixed

This traditional cottage garden plant is a must! Easy to grow, and making a wonderful cut flower, the blooms are coloured from white and cream to various shades of blue, on tall stems. As a bonus, both seed heads and foliage are attractive.

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Silene latifolia NCG 496 Silene latifolia
White campion, Cuckoo flower, Thunder-flower, White robin

Description coming soon.

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Sparaxis tricolor, mixed NCG 614 Sparaxis tricolor, mixed
Harlequin flower, mixed

Originating from South Africa, the harlequin flower is a very showy choice for containers in late Spring. All the flowers, which are not long-lived but appear in succession to provide a long flowering period, have a dark halo around a yellow centre, but the colour of the outside of the…

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Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pringlei NCG 602 Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pringlei
White aster, White Michaelmas daisy

Copious small, white, narrow-petalled, daisy-like flowers with yellow centres adorn this aster in autumn, on tall, wiry stems clothed in small leaves.

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Symphytum orientale NCG 763 Symphytum orientale
White comfrey

Unlike its cousin, S. officinale, the flowers of this useful plant are pure white. It makes a wonderful fertiliser and, being semi-evergreen, leaves can be added to the compost heap throughout most of the year. It can also be used as a mulch and a liquid fertiliser can be made…

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Symphytum x hidcotense 'Hidcote Blue' NCG 421 Symphytum x hidcotense 'Hidcote Blue'
Comfrey 'Hidcote Blue'

Symphytum 'Hidcote Blue' produces branching stems bearing mid-green, rather coarse, foliage. Clusters of red buds appear in late spring, maturing to pale blue and then white. The foliage is mid-green and rather coarse. Best planted where it will always be required, as it is difficult to completely remove once established.…

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Syringa reticulata subsp. pekinensis NCG 360 Syringa reticulata subsp. pekinensis
Peking lilac, Chinese tree lilac

This attractive, small tree or large shrub, originating from northern China, has a rounded habit and bears fragrant, creamy-white flowers in mid- to late-Spring which are attractive to pollinating insects.

NOTE: Externally sourced seeds.

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Tanacetum parthenium NCG 217 Tanacetum parthenium

Hundreds of tiny little chrysanthemum-like flowers, white with a yellow centre, adorn this popular cottage garden plant. The stems are strong and erect, with mid-green, lobed leaves.

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Thalictrum aquilegifolium NCG 615 Thalictrum aquilegifolium
French meadow rue, Greater meadow rue

This lovely plant has sprays of nodding, fluffy, pinkish-purple flowers with long stamens above intricately divided foliage, followed by attractive seed heads. A good cut flower.

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Tigridia pavonia NCG 045 Tigridia pavonia
Tiger Flower

This exotic bulb in shades of red, yellow, white and cream is happiest in full sun in moist, well drained soil (add grit to the planting hole if soil is heavy). Tigridia can endure the cold, but for complete safety, in all but the mildest areas it is advisable to…

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Viola cornuta NCG 047 Viola cornuta
Horned Violet

A lovely front of border plant in shades of mid-blue, pale-blue and occasionally white. Very easy to grow and flowers for months. Plants can become leggy but this is easily remedied; cut them back to within 3-4 inches of the ground and they will soon regenerate to produce compact plants…

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Viola sororia 'Freckles' NCG 419 Viola sororia 'Freckles'
Woolly Blue Violet, Sister Violet

This stunning viola has white, or very pale-blue, flowers which are covered in tiny purple speckles. Comes true from seed. The plants on offer are very small, but don't worry - they will soon bulk out if given the right conditions.

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Zaluzianskya capensis NCG 908 Zaluzianskya capensis
Night Phlox

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Zantedeschia aethiopica NCG 503 Zantedeschia aethiopica
Calla lily

Each beautiful, exotic white spathe surrounds a clear yellow spathix. Surprisingly easy to grow and fully hardy in most regions.

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Zinnia elegans 'Polar Bear' NCG 527 Zinnia elegans 'Polar Bear'
Common zinnia, Elegant zinnia, Youth and old age 'Polar Bear'

A fast-growing half-hardy annual that will provide an abundance of flowers throughout the summer months and into autumn. The large, white blooms are much loved by pollinating insects and great for flower arrangements.

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Zinnia elegans Mixed NCG 385 Zinnia elegans Mixed
Common zinnia, Elegant zinnia, Youth and old age

A fast-growing half-hardy annual that will provide a wealth of colour throughout the summer months and into autumn. Large blooms in shades including pink, cerise, scarlet and orange. Much loved by pollinating insects and great for flower arranegments.

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