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Nigella sativa NCG 380 Nigella sativa
Fennel Flower, Nutmeg Flower, Roman Coriander, False Black Cumin, Black Seed

Similar in many respects to the more familiar Nigella damascena (Love in a Mist), but the flowers are smaller and usually white, occasionally pale blue, on delicate stems clothed in very finely divided foliage. In Asian countries the seeds are traditionally used in rice dishes and confectionery. They are also…

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Papaver orientale 'Checkers' NCG 571 Papaver orientale 'Checkers'

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Papaver somniferum, Ex. white, single NCG 473 Papaver somniferum, Ex. white, single
Opium Poppy, white, single

This variant of the opium poppy has pure white blooms, usually single, with perhaps an occasional double or semi-double. These seeds are harvested from white plants, but other colours grow nearby. Although these are removed as soon as identified to help prevent cross-pollination, it cannot be guaranteed that all these…

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Penstemon digitalis 'Huskers Red' NCG 621 Penstemon digitalis 'Huskers Red'

Spikes of pretty, pinkish-white blooms contras beautifully with maroon-tinted foliage. Flowering over many months, this is a lovely addition to the garden!

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Phacelia Symphony NCG 208 Phacelia Symphony
Phacelia 'Symphony'

A hardy annual which flowers for many months, producing hundreds of pretty, blue or white star-shaped flowers on rather lax stems bearing attractive, lobed, mid-green foliage. Works well planted at the front of the border and allowed to spill over to soften the edge. Also good as underplanting in large…

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Phaseolus vulgaris 'Lingua di Fuoco Nano' (dwarf) NCG 493 Phaseolus vulgaris 'Lingua di Fuoco Nano' (dwarf)
Borlotto (Borlotti) Bean 'Lingua di Fuoco Nano'

Both strikingly attractive and delicious, Borlotto beans, with their soft-red and creamy-white markings, sweet flavour and creamy texture, can be used both in casseroles or as an addition to salads. (There is no need to soak fresh beans before cooking, but if you intend to dry and store your crop,…

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Phlox paniculata 'White Admiral' AGM NCG 244 Phlox paniculata 'White Admiral' AGM
Garden Phlox, Perennial Phlox 'White Admiral'

This lovely plant has tall, erect stems clothed in light- to mid-green foliage at the top of which appear large, loose globes of pure white, scented flowers. It blooms for months and makes a wonderful addition to flower arrangements. As the flowers mature the perfume is reminiscent of caramel. Grow…

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Phlox paniculata Mixed NCG 398 Phlox paniculata Mixed
Garden Phlox, Perennial Phlox - Mixed

Perennial phlox does not usually come true from seed, so although these seeds come from the white and pink varieties illustrated, they could produce plants of almost any hue within the range from white to dark-pink. All very pretty, though, and they make a great cut flower!

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Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' NCG 608 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow'
Obedient plant, False dragonhead

This attractive and versatile plant grows 18-24in tall and has a long flowering season, producing strong spikes of tiny, brilliant-white foxglove-like flowers above mid-green, finely toothed foliage.

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Phytolacca acinosa Syn. esculenta NCG 201 Phytolacca acinosa Syn. esculenta
Indian Pokeweed, Inkberry, Pidgeonberry

Although invariably referred to as American pokeweed (P. decandra Syn. americana), the variety seen in UK gardens is almost certainly Indian pokeweed (P. asinosa Syn. esculenta). Both look very similar, but P. acinosa has vertical, upright inflorescences, whilst P. americana has lax, dangling, flower stems, with single, spherical fruits on…

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Primula Syn. Dodecatheon hendersonii Ex. alba NCG 328 Primula Syn. Dodecatheon hendersonii Ex. alba
Shooting star

Unusual and attractive, down-pointing candelabras of white flowers, yellow and black at the tips, appear in Spring on straight stems, arising from a rosette of rather fleshy, mid- to light-green leaves. They seem to be very shade-tolerant - mine are sited under an apple tree and put on a beautiful…

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Pseudofumaria alba  subsp. acaulis Syn. Corydalis ochroleuca NCG 832 Pseudofumaria alba subsp. acaulis Syn. Corydalis ochroleuca
Pale corydalis

Creamy flowers appear in spring and continue throughout the summer, above beautiful light-green divided foliage. Generally a short-lived perennial, but gently self-seeds.

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Pulmonaria officinalis 'Sissinghurst White' NCG 307 Pulmonaria officinalis 'Sissinghurst White'
White lungwort

All the pulmonarias are lovely shade plants, and no less this, the white form of the common type. A joy to see the white flowers adorn rather hairy stems up to 12 inches tall growing from a rosette of green foliage specked with white. A trouble free plant. Cut back…

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Salvia nemorosa Alba NCG 761 Salvia nemorosa Alba
Woodland sage, white

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Salvia x jamensis Syn. microphylla 'Hot Lips' NCG 587 Salvia x jamensis Syn. microphylla 'Hot Lips'
Woody sage 'Hot Lips'

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Scabiosa syn. Lomelosia caucasica, mixed NCG 524 Scabiosa syn. Lomelosia caucasica, mixed
Scabious, mixed

This traditional cottage garden plant is a must! Easy to grow, and making a wonderful cut flower, the blooms are coloured from white and cream to various shades of blue, on tall stems. As a bonus, both seed heads and foliage are attractive.

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Silene latifolia NCG 496 Silene latifolia
White campion, Cuckoo flower, Thunder-flower, White robin

Description coming soon.

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Sparaxis tricolor, mixed NCG 614 Sparaxis tricolor, mixed
Harlequin flower, mixed

Originating from South Africa, the harlequin flower is a very showy choice for containers in late Spring. All the flowers, which are not long-lived but appear in succession to provide a long flowering period, have a dark halo around a yellow centre, but the colour of the outside of the…

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Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pringlei NCG 602 Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pringlei
White aster, White Michaelmas daisy

Copious small, white, narrow-petalled, daisy-like flowers with yellow centres adorn this aster in autumn, on tall, wiry stems clothed in small leaves.

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Symphytum orientale NCG 763 Symphytum orientale
White comfrey

Unlike its cousin, S. officinale, the flowers of this useful plant are pure white. It makes a wonderful fertiliser and, being semi-evergreen, leaves can be added to the compost heap throughout most of the year. It can also be used as a mulch and a liquid fertiliser can be made…

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