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Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White' NCG 256 Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White'

Large, delicate white flowers with delicate pink veining appear in spring and sporadically into summer, on slender stems above intricately divided leaves. Although not as vigorous as most hardy geraniums, taking longer to make a sizeable clump than others, its sheer beauty well and truly makes up for this shortcoming.…

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Geranium macrorrhizum 'White-Ness' NCG 582 Geranium macrorrhizum 'White-Ness'
Bigroot cranesbill

This lovely evergreen ground cover plant for shade or part shade forms mounds of attractive foliage and bears papery white flowers with yellow stamens from spring and right through to the first frosts. If plants are not listed, I can split to order, so please let me know if you'd…

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Geranium phaeum, various NCG 507 Geranium phaeum, various
Dusky cranesbill

Although a British native, Geranium phaeum is perhaps more commonly seen as a cultivated garden plant, particularly in colours singled out as particularly attractive. These appear in Spring and range from deepest-purple to near-white. The lobed or divided foliage varies in colour too, from mid to dark green, often with…

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Geranium pratense 'Striatum' ('Splish Splash') NCG 675 Geranium pratense 'Striatum' ('Splish Splash')
Meadow cranesbill 'Striatum' ('Splish Splash')

As the name suggests, the petals of this geranium have splishes and splashes of blue and white. Please note that although the seeds offered have been collected only from such plants, other G. pratense are grown in the garden, so there is the possibility of some cross-fertilisation.

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Geranium pratense f. albiflorum NCG 068 Geranium pratense f. albiflorum
Meadow cranesbill

This delightful geranium, which has a long flowering period, appeared from nowhere! A tall variety with strong, upright stems bearing pure white blooms about 1.25in/3cm across with green veining. Happy in full sun or part shade. Since there are other geraniums growing in the garden, it is possible (although in…

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Geranium renardii 'Phillipe Vapelle' NCG 463 Geranium renardii 'Phillipe Vapelle'
Renard geranium 'Tschelda'

A delightful geranium, chiefly due to its rounded, velvety, deeply textured leaves. The standard variety has pinkish-white flowers with purple-red veining, but these are a soft mauve, also with strong veining, and I believe them to be a variety named 'Tschelda'. Loved by pollinating insects and much recommended to humans!

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Geranium sanguineum Album AGM NCG 255 Geranium sanguineum Album AGM
Bloody cranesbill 'Album'

About a foot high, this is very attractive front-of-border choice, with a succession of pure white flowers and inch or more across above divided mid-green foliage. Blooms profusely in late spring/early summer, but continues to flower more sporadically for months more. It is very happy in dry and exposed areas,…

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Gladiolus murielae NCG 416 Gladiolus murielae
Abyssinian gladiolus, Sword lily, Peacock lily

So much daintier than most other gladiolus, and with a deliciously spicy scent too! The flowers are funnel-shaped, white with a purple blotch at their centre, rising above light-green, sword-shaped leaves. Highly recommended. Synonyms are Acidanthera bicolor, Gladiolus callianthus and (less commonly), Ixia quartiniana and Sphaerospora gigantea.

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Gypsophila cerastoides 'Pixie Splash' NCG 206 Gypsophila cerastoides 'Pixie Splash'
Mouse Ear Gypsophila 'Pixie Splash'

A diminutive, mat-forming, alpine gypsophila, standing only about 2-3in high. Mounds of tiny, slightly hairy, mid-green leaves studded with many small, pink-veined flowers from late spring to early summer. An unusual and attractive semi-evergreen plant for rockeries, containers and the front of borders. It is happiest in gritty soil that…

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Gypsophila elegans Mixed NCG 480 Gypsophila elegans Mixed
Annual Baby's Breath

A favourite with flower arrangers, but loved by pollinating insects too, with masses of tiny flowers in shades of pink and white on delicate, ferny foliage. Grow en masse for best effect.

NOTE: Externally sourced seeds.

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Hesperis matronalis NCG 448 Hesperis matronalis
Sweet rocket, Dame's violet

This sweet-scented, short-lived perennial attracts bees and other pollinating insects and is therefore perfect for naturalising in a wildlife-friendly garden. The loose heads of small flowers range in colour from almost white, through pale lilac to mauve. A perfect plant for the informal cottage garden. Also a good cut flower.

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Hibiscus trionum NCG 054 Hibiscus trionum
Flower-of-an-Hour, Venice Mallow, Bladder hibiscus, Bladder ketmia

This delightful plant, which is usually treated as an annual in the UK, produces creamy flowers with dark burgundy centres on stems clothed with dark green, lobed leaves. Each flower only lasts a day but in the right conditions it will bloom profusely, followed by very attractive seed pods, throughout…

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Hosta syn. funkia x hybrida NCG 472 Hosta syn. funkia x hybrida
Hosta, mixed

The seeds offered were mostly from the variety illustrated, but from a couple of others too. In any case, they are very unlikely to come true, but it could be fun to see that they produce and you may even discover some unique variations of this attractive shade-loving plant!

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Houttuynia cordata NCG 321 Houttuynia cordata
Heart-leaved houttuynia, Fish mint

Description coming soon

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Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' NCG 251 Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Hydrangea 'Annabelle', Smooth hydrangea, Wild hydrangea, Sevenbark

I've never known anyone unfamiliar with this delightful plant not to request it when they see it in bloom in the garden! The domed flower heads are composed of masses of small blooms, lime green at first, turning creamy-white (and almost spherical) when in full bloom and a lovely parchment…

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Iris germanica, White NCG 687 Iris germanica, White
Bearded iris, White

A gorgeous, tall and robust bearded iris, The flowers are white, with a very slight blueish tone. Flowering profusely, the blooms rise on strong stems, contrasting well with the grey-green, sword-shaped foliage. A delightful plant.

NOTE: Depending on season, plants, when available, may be trimmed back and/or barerooted for…

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Kniphofia caulescens NCG 457 Kniphofia caulescens
Caulescent red-hot poker

Description coming soon.

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Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' NCG 579 Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver'
Spotted dead nettle 'Beacon Silver'

This lovely, low-growing ground cover plant has a spreading habit, but is relatively easy to keep in check. The heavily marked foliage is delightful, and the plant has the added bonus of pink flowers. Best grown in shade or part-shade and will happily tolerate both dry and wet soils.

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Lamium Syn. Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. Argentatum 'Herman's Pride' NCG 439 Lamium Syn. Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. Argentatum 'Herman's Pride'
Variegated Yellow Archangel 'Hermann's Pride'

A small, variegated nettle with spikes of yellow flowers. A good choice for woodland planting or at the front of shady borders.

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Lathyrus latifolius 'Albus' NCG 031 Lathyrus latifolius 'Albus'
White everlasting sweet pea

Although unscented, the everlasting sweet pea is most attractive grown against a sunny wall, trellis or fence - or permitted to grow through a large shrub or small tree - and provides masses of flower stems. Very suitable for cutting. These seeds are gathered from Lathyrus latifolius 'Alba' and are…

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