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Lathyrus odoratus NCG 030 Lathyrus odoratus
Mixed Sweet Pea

This mixture of sweet peas in pink, red, blue, mauve and maybe occasionally pale yellow (lathyrus chloranthus). Something of a Jamboree bag, but will no doubt produce some attractive plants and all will complement each other!

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Lathyrus odoratus 'Painted Lady' NCG 504 Lathyrus odoratus 'Painted Lady'
Sweet Pea 'Painted Lady'

One of my favourite sweet peas... the highly-scented flowers are smallish, with dark-pink banners, pale pink (sometimes almost white) wings and a greenish-white keel. Very limited stock, unfortunately!

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Lathyrus odoratus 'Wiltshire Ripple' NCG 214 Lathyrus odoratus 'Wiltshire Ripple'
Sweet Pea 'Wiltshire Ripple'

This delightful heirloom variety of sweet pea is deliciously scented and its distinctive marking make it a must for my garden! Highly recommended.

NOTE: Externally sourced seeds.

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Ledebouria socialis NCG 558 Ledebouria socialis
Silver squill, Purple squill, South African Scilla, Leopard Lily

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Leucanthemella serotina NCG 168 Leucanthemella serotina
Autumn Ox Eye, High Daisy, Giant Daisy

Masses of white daisy flowers about 2 inches across top this tall plant, which is more delicate than the related Leucanthemum superbum. The stems are taller and less lax, seldom needing support. Much recommended, both for the back of the border and as a cut flower.


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Leucanthemum  x superbum NCG 254 Leucanthemum x superbum
Shasta Daisy

Welcome colour at the back end of the year - masses of white daisies 3-4in across in late summer/early autumn, held on tall stems clothed in small, rather shiny, toothed dark-green leaves. Perfect for the back of the border, where it will quickly form a large clump. The stems can…

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Linum perenne Nanum Album 'Diamant' NCG 623 Linum perenne Nanum Album 'Diamant'
White perennial flax

Description coming soon. Externally sourced seeds.

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Linum  usitatissimum NCG 034 Linum usitatissimum
Common Flax, Linseed

The delicate flowers of this dainty plant are sky-blue or white, on fine, grey-blue foliage - a delight to see en masse! Ours appeared from nowhere in my hot bed (flax is grown in the fields nearby, so the seeds were, no doubt, brought in by birds). Despite the fact…

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Lunaria annua var. albiflora syn. alba NCG 652 Lunaria annua var. albiflora syn. alba
White-flowered honesty

A white-flowered variation on the old cottage garden favourite, the seedheads of which are often to be seen in dried floral arrangements. Carefully rub the seed pod (silicles) casings off the dried stems to reveal moon-shine like membranes that give this plant its Latin name. A trouble-free plant that will…

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Lupinus arboreus alba NCG 494 Lupinus arboreus alba
White Tree Lupin

This variety of tree lupin bears masses of beautiful white flower spikes in early summer. Although generally short-lived, plants produced from early-spring sowings can attain 2m in their first year, so casualties can be replaced very easily.

NOTE: Externally sourced seeds.

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Lysimachia clethroides AGM NCG 312 Lysimachia clethroides AGM
Gooseneck loosestrife

Lysimachia clethroides is very attractive, with its light-to-mid-green leaves and panicles of tiny, star shaped flowers in summer. Makes a very good cut flower. It is a vigorous plant that is best sited where is can be allowed to spread.

Plants may sometimes be supplied bare-rooted, but will easily…

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Maianthemum dilatatum NCG 299 Maianthemum dilatatum
False Lily-of-the-Valley

False Lily-of-the-Valley has beautiful, heart-shaped, mid-green leaves, which are shiny and textured with deep veins. Slender spikes bearing waxy, creamy-white blooms appear in Spring and early Summer, followed by green berries, which later turn translucent red. Prefers shade and nitrogen-rich soil, making this a good plant for underplanting in woodland…

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Melothria scabra NCG 726 Melothria scabra

Looking for all the world like miniature watermelons, these bite-sized cucumbers are full of flavour, with a hint of lime! Usually grown as an annual, but see growing instructions below.

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Mimulus x hybridus, mixed NCG 090 Mimulus x hybridus, mixed
Mimulus, Monkey Flower, mixed

A very useful plant for front of borders, baskets and other containers. The flowers are mostly yellow and red, but occasonally orange or cream. Although strictly speaking a perennial, best treated as an annual. For best results, ensure that the plants receive adequate water supplies, and cut back after flowering…

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Nasturtium microphyllum NCG 583 Nasturtium microphyllum
One-rowed Watercress

Description coming soon.

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Nemophila discoides 'Total Eclipse' NCG 189 Nemophila discoides 'Total Eclipse'
Black nemophila

A profusion of blooms no more than an inch across, coloured deep purple - almost black - with white edges. A lovely statement at the front of the border or tumbling from hanging baskets and planters.

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Nicotiana alata (Syn. affinis) var. grandiflora NCG 531 Nicotiana alata (Syn. affinis) var. grandiflora
Flowering tobacco, Jasmine tobacco

The queen of flowering tobacco plants! Taller and more robust than more modern varieties, the tall stems bear masses of pendulous, star-shaped blooms, starting greenish white, fading to cream and then white. Their wonderful fragrance wafts through the garden in the evenings. Highly recommended.

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Nicotiana sylvestris NCG 782 Nicotiana sylvestris
Woodland tobacco plant

With a deliciously rich evening scent and pendulous white flowers, this tall plant is a valuable addition to the garden, where it will flourish in both sun and part shade. Although usually grown as a biennial, in the right conditions it can survive as a (usually) short-lived perennial. Highly recommended.

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Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll' NCG 038 Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll'

Everything about this cottage garden favourite is spectacular, from the buds, through flowers to seed pods. The finely cut, bright-green foliage is bedecked with rich cornflower-blue flowers throughout the summer, which develop into seedpods, often tinged red and like spurred balloons. These are a lovely addition to dried flower arrangements.

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Nigella damascena 'Mulberry Rose' NCG 484 Nigella damascena 'Mulberry Rose'
Love-in-a-Mist 'Mulberry Rose'

Like her more common blue/white sister, this cottage garden annual, in shades soft pinks and occasional white, is a must! Everything about it is pretty, from the buds, through flowers to seed pods. The finely cut, bright-green foliage is bedecked with flowers throughout the summer, which develop into seedpods, often…

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