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Acer griseum AGM NCG 080 Acer griseum AGM
Paper Bark Maple

A small to medium sized ornamental tree which lends interest to the garden at all times of year. Small, yellow flowers appear in spring, followed by fresh green foliage in spring and summer, then spectacular orange, red and pink autumn foliage in autumn. At all times of year the chestnut-red…

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Acorus  gramineus 'Ogon' NCG 722 Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'
Golden Japanese rush, Variegated slender sweet flag

Although strictly speaking a marginal pond plant, this small and attractive grass-like plant will grow successfully in almost any reasonable, moist soil - in fact it seems quite content in quite dry spots in my garden. It produces strongly variegated, green and yellow, fan-shaped tufts of stiff, aromatic foliage and…

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Alcea rosea, mixed NCG 005 Alcea rosea, mixed
Hollyhock, single

I am offering here not only mixed-colour seeds but a selection of packets containing seed collected from individual plants that I thought particularly pretty, but they cannot be guaranteed to come true. (NOTE: Seeds from black hollyhock are listed separately.)

Although strictly speaking a perennial, this very popular cottage…

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Alcea rugosa NCG 590 Alcea rugosa
Russian hollyhock, Yellow fig-leaved hollyhock

Hollyhocks, although strictly speaking perennials, are usually grown as biennials, chiefly because they are susceptible to rust. However, this pale-yellow-flowered variety, with fig-leaf shaped foliage, is said to be a true perennial, being less prone to rust. The flowers are distinctive in that, unlike other hollyhocks, they have a lobed…

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Alchemilla alpina NCG 585 Alchemilla alpina
Alpine lady's mantle

My favourite alchemilla - the delicate, deeply cut, silver edged leaves of this small plant are altogether more refined than those of other varieties. Lovely at the front of the border and useful in containers. Sprays of tiny yellow-green flowers on wiry stems appear in spring and summer.

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Alchemilla erythropoda AGM NCG 313 Alchemilla erythropoda AGM
Dwarf lady's mantle

Much daintier than the familiar Alchemilla mollis, this miniature variety looks lovely at the front of the border or in containers. Sprays of tiny yellow-green flowers on short, wiry, reddish stems appear in spring and summer.

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Allium moly NCG 784 Allium moly
Yellow garlic

Clusters of golden-yellow, starry flowers adorn this lovely bulbous plant in late Spring to early Summer.

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Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids NCG 610 Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids
Peruvian lily

Flowers in a range of colours, from white through warm yellows, oranges and reds to shades of pink, on strong, straight stems with glossy foliage. Prefers soil that is not too limey.

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Anthemis tinctoria 'Sauce Hollandaise' NCG 082 Anthemis tinctoria 'Sauce Hollandaise'
Mayweed, Golden Marguerite, Dyer's Chamomile

With its masses of creamy-yellow daisy-like flowers on wiry stems with finely divided aromatic foliage, this drought-tolerant plant is a bright and cheerful choice for dry areas, although it will be happy in most soils. Cut back hard in the autumn to encourage strong new shoots in the spring. The…

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Antirrhinum majus, mixed NCG 008 Antirrhinum majus, mixed
Snapdragon, mixed

Although usually perennial, antirrhinums are generally treated as annuals. This is a mixture in many colours and heights, from medium-sized to dwarf (usually distinguishable early in their lives by small leaves, and tending to a trailing habit, making them a useful in hanging baskets). A children's favourite! NOTE: Separate colours…

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Aquilegia oxysepala NCG 492 Aquilegia oxysepala
Oriental columbine, granny's bonnet

This unusual little wild columbine with brownish-red skirts and soft-yellow centres originates from Mount Konsai in Japan and is very hardy. Much recommended. (Externally sourced seeds.)

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Argemone mexicana NCG 010 Argemone mexicana
Mexican Poppy, Prickly Poppy

This unusual and attractive late-flowering plant with distinctive vareigated and prickly leaves is drought tolerant. The poppy-like, papery lemon-yellow blooms have red-orange centres and are a welcome sight at a time of year when other flowers are saying their goodbyes. Watch out! All parts of the plant are, true to…

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Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Marmoratum' AGM NCG 011 Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Marmoratum' AGM
Italian arum 'Marmoratum', Variegated Cuckoopint, Lords-and-Ladies

The boldly marbled, arrow-shaped leaves appear in autumn and last right through most of the year. Seedlings may look unpromising at first, but as the plants grow the leaves develop their beautiful markings. Plant under trees to light up dark areas. When plants are on offer they are usually self…

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Asphodeline Syn. Asphodelus lutea Syn. luteus, flava NCG 369 Asphodeline Syn. Asphodelus lutea Syn. luteus, flava
Yellow candle

This unusual plant bears fragrant, star-shaped yellow or white flowers in spring, rising above narrow, grassy leaves.

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Barbarea verna NCG 091 Barbarea verna
American land cress, Winter Cress, Wild Rocket

Perhaps the best thing about wild rocket is that (as its other common name makes clear!) it produces lush foliage at times when other salad plants are not available. Its strong, pungent flavour is not dissimilar to water cress. Finely chopped, it makes an interesting addition to sandwiches. Treat as…

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Belamcanda chinensis NCG 381 Belamcanda chinensis
Leopard lily

This most attractive perennial, which bears vividly orange blooms with dark spots, is a member of the Iris family. A lovely addition to a sunny hot bed, where it thrives even in quite arid conditions, although it will also tolerate light shade. A plant that is very easy to grow…

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Bidens ferulifolia 'Golden Goddess' NCG 207 Bidens ferulifolia 'Golden Goddess'
Bidens 'Golden Goddess'

A taller variety than the familiar hanging basket and container Bidens, this bright and cheery plant looks lovely planted en masse in the hot bed, alongside other orange and yellow-flowering plants such as Cosmos polidor and Tagetes tenuifolia. The foliage is very attractive too - finely divided leaves are a…

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Bupleurum rotundifolium 'Griffithii' NCG 171 Bupleurum rotundifolium 'Griffithii'
Common Hare's Ear

A very useful filler both in the flower beds and in flower arrangements (fresh or dried), this plant resembles euphorbia, but without the irritating, milky sap. The foliage is bluish-green and the tiny flowers a vivid yellow-green. Gently self-seeds.

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Calendula officinalis NCG 049 Calendula officinalis
Pot Marigold

One of the most recognisable and popular cottage garden plants, this Calendula mixture will light up the garden for many months with an abundance of yellow and orange blooms, some double. Makes a nice addition to small flower arrangements, so cut often to encourage repeat flowering and to keep the…

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Calendula officinalis 'Sunset Buff' NCG 551 Calendula officinalis 'Sunset Buff'
Pot marigold 'Sunset Buff'

A variation on one of the most recognisable and popular cottage garden plants, 'Sunset Buff' produces double (and perhaps the occasional single) flowers in soft, peachy tones with red backs. Makes a nice addition to small flower arrangements, so cut often to encourage repeat flowering and to keep the plants…

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