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Primula Syn. Dodecatheon hendersonii Ex. alba NCG 328 Primula Syn. Dodecatheon hendersonii Ex. alba
Shooting star

Unusual and attractive, down-pointing candelabras of white flowers, yellow and black at the tips, appear in Spring on straight stems, arising from a rosette of rather fleshy, mid- to light-green leaves. They seem to be very shade-tolerant - mine are sited under an apple tree and put on a beautiful…

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Pseudofumaria Syn. Corydalis lutea NCG 870 Pseudofumaria Syn. Corydalis lutea
Yellow corydalis, Yellow fumitory

Lemon-yellow flowers appear in spring and continue throughout the summer, above beautiful light-green divided foliage. Generally a short-lived perennial, but gently self-seeds.

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Ranunculus lingua 'Grandiflorus' NCG 226 Ranunculus lingua 'Grandiflorus'
Large-flowered Greater Spearwort

This is a lovely aquatic plant which, in its natural habitat, favours shallow streams or river banks. It can be grown as a marginal plant in ponds, but is generally not suited to small ponds as it can be rather invasive. Clear yellow buttercup-like flowers appear in mid-summer above tall,…

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Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm' NCG 079 Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm'
Black-eyed Susan, Coneflower, Gloriosa Daisy

This perennial Rudbeckia is a trouble-free plant that makes a stunning statement when planted en masse in the hot bed! The deep yellow flowers with black eyes stand on tall, wiry stems and are a very useful cut flower. Prefers full sun but will tolerte part shade.

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Rudbeckia laciniata 'Herbstsonne' AGM NCG 066 Rudbeckia laciniata 'Herbstsonne' AGM
Black-eyed Susan, Cutleaf Coneflower, Gloriosa Daisy

This magnificent, very tall - 2 metres or more - rudbeckia is a good choice for the back of the border. The large, bright yellow blooms have striking lime green cones and are borne on straight stems clothed in dark green foliage. A beautiful cut flower. Although my plants produce…

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Rudbeckia occidentalis 'Green Wizard' NCG 425 Rudbeckia occidentalis 'Green Wizard'
Cone flower 'Green Wizard'

A wonderful cut flower, fresh or dried, this unusual hardy rudbeckia has its origins in Western USA. From late-spring and well into summer it produces elongated, russet-brown cones above a circle of green bracts on tall, strong stems bearing dark green leaves. Much recommended!

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Rudbeckia x hirta 'Caramel Mixed' NCG 043 Rudbeckia x hirta 'Caramel Mixed'
Black-eyed Susan, Coneflower, Gloriosa Daisy 'Caramel Mixed'

This rudbeckia mixture will produce double blooms in soft but warm shades of amber, copper and burnt rose, with a distinctive cone at the centre. The blooms stand on tall, wiry stems and make good cut flowers. A stunning addition to the hot bed! Prefers full sun but will tolerate…

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Sanicula Syn. Hacquetia epipactis AGM NCG 536 Sanicula Syn. Hacquetia epipactis AGM
Broad leaved sanicle

This most unusual and attractive low-growing plant for shade is related to the humble carrot, but to which it bears no obvious resemblance! Produces masses of tiny little yellow flowers in early Spring, above rounded domes of bright, lime-green foliage.

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Sisyrinchium striatum NCG 202 Sisyrinchium striatum
Pale yellow-eyed-grass, Satin flower

Small pale yellow flowers with deeper yellow eyes on spikes above soft, greyish-green, sword-shaped leaves. Although strictly speaking a perennial, this plant seeds itself happily and the younger plants develop quickly and are often more attractive.

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Smyrnium perfoliatum NCG 460 Smyrnium perfoliatum
Yellow Alexanders

Resembling euphorbia or bupleurum - a very pretty woodland plant that can take two to three years to come to full maturity. More info coming later...

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Solanum lycopersicum 'Black Cherry' NCG 487 Solanum lycopersicum 'Black Cherry'
Tomato 'Black Cherry'

This tomato variety produces masses of small, deep, purplish-red to mahoganiy-brown, sweet and juicy fruits. Perfect for the simplest of tomato salads - just slice or quarter and sprinkle on balsamic vinegar, a pinch of salt, plenty of freshly ground pepper and perhaps a little finely sliced red onion scattered…

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Solanum lycopersicum 'Brandywine Black' (Organic) NCG 486 Solanum lycopersicum 'Brandywine Black' (Organic)
Tomato 'Brandywine Black' (Heirloom)

Like other beefsteak tomatoes, this heirloom variety produces large, frequently irregular-shaped fruits, but is unusual in that it has potato-leaved foliage. The tomatoes can vary somewhat in colour, usually a rosy hue, sometimes green-shouldered, but they are renowned for their exceptional flavour.

NOTE: These are externally sourced, organic…

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Solanum lycopersicum 'Gardener's Delight' (Organic) NCG 866 Solanum lycopersicum 'Gardener's Delight' (Organic)
Tomato 'Gardener's Delight' (Organic)

These bite-sized fruits are sweet, tangy and full of flavour - no wonder they are the reliable go-to for so many tomato-lovers!

NOTE: These are externally sourced, organic seeds.

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Solanum lycopersicum 'Il San Marzano Lungo' NCG 878 Solanum lycopersicum 'Il San Marzano Lungo'
Plum Tomato 'Il San Marzano Lungo'

Traditional Italian plum tomatoes - perfect for pasta sauces.NOTE: Externally sourced seeds.

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Solanum lycopersicum 'Sun Gold' NCG 106 Solanum lycopersicum 'Sun Gold'
Tomato 'Sun Gold'

The small, golden yellow fruits are sweet and juicy. It's just as well that they fruit prolifically, because it is difficult to pass by the greeenhouse in summer without snacking!

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Solidago canadensis NCG 872 Solidago canadensis

A useful, drought-tolerant plant for late summer and early autumn colour, bearing dense plumes of tiny bright yellow flowers on erect stems a metre or more high. Can be invasive, so best cut hard back before the plants set seed.

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Sophora tetraptera NCG 581 Sophora tetraptera
Large-leaved kowhai, New Zealand laburnum

A very attractive small, semi-evergreen tree, native to New Zealand. Produces masses of pendulous, waxy, yellow blooms in spring. Needs a sheltered spot (against a wall is ideal) and full sun to grow as a tree, because although it is hardy to -15C/5F, it can be knocked back somewhat by…

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Sparaxis tricolor, mixed NCG 614 Sparaxis tricolor, mixed
Harlequin flower, mixed

Originating from South Africa, the harlequin flower is a very showy choice for containers in late Spring. All the flowers, which are not long-lived but appear in succession to provide a long flowering period, have a dark halo around a yellow centre, but the colour of the outside of the…

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Tagetes tenuifolia 'Starfire Mixed' NCG 052 Tagetes tenuifolia 'Starfire Mixed'
Mexican Marigold 'Starfire Mixed'

The masses of yellow, orange and vermillion flowers produced throughout the summer are not only very pretty but an extremely useful 'companion' plant. Since growing them at the base of my greenhouse tomatoes aphid are a thing of the past! Tagetes are suitable for planters and baskets or the front…

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Tanacetum parthenium NCG 217 Tanacetum parthenium

Hundreds of tiny little chrysanthemum-like flowers, white with a yellow centre, adorn this popular cottage garden plant. The stems are strong and erect, with mid-green, lobed leaves.

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