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Centaurea  macrocephala NCG 013 Centaurea macrocephala
Giant Knapweed

Visitors to the garden often fall in love with this plant, which forms a large clump and has large spherical buds opening to clear yellow flowers surrounded by unusual, papery brown bracts. The mature seed heads are a natural 'barometer', opening and closing according to humidity.

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Chamaemelum syn. Anthemis nobile syn. nobilis 'Flore Pleno' NCG 320 Chamaemelum syn. Anthemis nobile syn. nobilis 'Flore Pleno'
Double flowered Chamomile

Delightful in all respects, this highly scented double-flowered form of perennial chamomile has feathery leaves and inch-wide, creamy-white blooms. Best planted in containers or at the edge of borders, where, when brushed against, both leaves and flowers release their strong, sweet, apple-like fragrance. NOTE: Depending on season, plants are sometimes…

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Clematis tangutica NCG 016 Clematis tangutica
Golden Clematis

This beautiful perennial climber scrambles happily over trellis or support on a wall and provides a profusion of bright yellow lantern-like flowers throughout the summer, followed by attractive seed heads that resemble silvery tassels. Provision of shade at the roots is advisable, particularly in very sunny positions. If space is…

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Cosmos bipinnatus 'Xanthos' NCG 811 Cosmos bipinnatus 'Xanthos'
Cosmos 'Xanthos'

A beautiful dwarf cosmos studded with pale yellow blooms, fading to white in the centre. A lovely plant for the front of the border, where it will bloom all summer and into autumn.

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Cosmos sulphureus 'Bright Lights' NCG 178 Cosmos sulphureus 'Bright Lights'
Cosmos 'Bright Lights'

Flowers in shades from pale yellow through to deep orange, about 4cm across, borne on stems with attractive divided leaves. Pinch out young plants to encourage branching. May need some support.

Jumbo plug plants, when available, will be ready to plant out but may need some protection from slugs, etc.…

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Craspedia globosa 'Drumstick' NCG 301 Craspedia globosa 'Drumstick'
Billy balls, Billy buttons

Originating in Australia, where it is perennial, this quirky hardy annual has a long flowering period, producing bright-yellow, ping pong-shaped flower clusters (glomerules), about an inch in diameter, on strong, straight, unbranched stems rising from basal rosettes of leaves. Excellent for use in both fresh and dried flower arrangements.

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Crocosmia paniculata x fucata NCG 363 Crocosmia paniculata x fucata

I don't know where this variety of crocosmia came from... it seems to have appeared out of nowhere, but was probably given to me by my mother or one of her gardener friends. It has possibly been sitting there, sulking for years, but this year the hot bed has been…

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Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Burford Bronze' NCG 578 Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Burford Bronze'
Montbretia 'Burford Bronze'

Warm yellow flowers are set off by lovely bronze strap like foliage. Warm yellow flowers. Grows to 90cm in height.

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Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'George Davison' NCG 056 Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'George Davison'
Montbretia, Crocosmia 'George Davison'

A lovely, sunny plant with sprays of rich-yellow flowers which open sequentially and are borne on arching stems above long, strap-like foliage. Flowers are followed by attractive tapering seed heads.

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Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis 'Hearts of Gold' NCG 490 Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis 'Hearts of Gold'
Cantaloupe or Musk Melon 'Hearts of Gold'

An heirloom variety, dating back to 1895, which has stood the test of time and is very suitable for growing in the UK. The fruits are ribbed, dark-green with heavy white netting and the deep-orange flesh is very sweet and fragrant.

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Cucurbita pepo 'Yellow Golden' NCG 102 Cucurbita pepo 'Yellow Golden'
Courgette, Zuccini 'Yellow Golden'

The golden-yellow fruits of this variety are particularly sweet! Pick when young, but allow some to develop to full-sized 'marrows' at the end of the season... they will keep in a cool, airy place all winter and are delicious stuffed with a Mediterranean-style filling, the base ingredients being onions, sweet…

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Digitalis ferruginea gigantea 'Gelber Herold' NCG 620 Digitalis ferruginea gigantea 'Gelber Herold'
Rusty foxglove 'Gelber Herold'

A tall, dynamic variety of rusty foxglove that looks spectacular when grown en masse! Much recommended, but please note that although classified as a perennial, it is generally short-lived and shorter in stature in subsequent years if it does survive, so it is best to sow every year.

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Digitalis grandiflora 'Carillon' NCG 692 Digitalis grandiflora 'Carillon'
Dwarf yellow foxglove

This diminutive yellow-flowered foxglove is compact and sturdy. It is happiest in semi-shade but will tolerate both deeper shade and sunnier positions. Flowering for most of the summer, the blooms are a soft pale-yellow. Well-drained, humus-rich soils are recommended for best results.

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Digitalis grandiflora ambigua/macrantha AGM NCG 223 Digitalis grandiflora ambigua/macrantha AGM
Large yellow foxglove, Cream-coloured foxglove

This stunning plant is a perennial, but generally short-lived, so best treated as a biennial. Tall spikes of soft yellow, speckled flowers rise above a rosette of dark green leaves. It is lovely in a woodland setting, where the blooms light up shady corners, but will tolerate sun.

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Digitalis lutea NCG 180 Digitalis lutea
Small foxglove

A lovely plant for woodland areas. Small, tubular yellow blooms are borne on delicate spikes - a much more dainty plant in all respects than the common pink foxglove. Although it will tolerate both sun and dry soil, this plant is happiest in rich, moist soil and dappled shade. Digitalis…

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Digitalis obscura NCG 455 Digitalis obscura
Willow-leaved foxglove, Dusky maid, Sunset foxglove

This rare and most striking, foxglove originates from the mountains of Spain and is also found in parts of Africa. Generally a little shorter than most other digitalis varieties, the flowers are exquisitely coloured in shades of russet, burnt-orange and red, complemented by evergreen, narrow-leaved foliage. In the right environment…

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Digitalis parviflora Jacq. NCG 362 Digitalis parviflora Jacq.
Chocolate Soldier, Small-flowered foxglove

A most unusual foxglove, and like most digitalis, usually treated as a biennial, although it can survive as a short-lived perennial. This variety produces flower spikes of densely-packed, chocolate-coloured, tubular flowers about 2cm in length, above basal rosettes of attractive, slightly glossy, dark-green foliage. It will happily self-seed in a…

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Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' NCG 442 Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'
White coneflower

Much-loved by butterflies and other pollinating insects, the white version of this dynamic plant produces clumps of dark-green, rather hairy leaves from which large, daisies with rather lax, white petals and brown, conical central discs grow, on tall, straight stems. Echinacea prefers full sun, but will tolerate part-shade. Echinacea is…

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Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum' NCG 417 Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum'
Epimedium, Horny Goat Weed, Barrenwort

Delicate sprays of soft-yellow flowers appear on slender, straight, stems from early Spring, followed by somewhat heart-shaped leaves which quickly develop beautiful bronze markings and are retained throughout the winter. This is a rather shorter epimedium than most and is a perfect choice for the front of a dry border…

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Eryngium agavifolium NCG 471 Eryngium agavifolium
Agave-leaved sea holly

This most unusual and exotic looking plant looks as though it should need a heated conservatory to survive, but it is in fact quite hardy. A straight stem topped with clusters of spiky, greenish-white flower heads grows from a pineapple-like rosette of fleshy, toothed leaves. The picture really does not…

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