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Hemerocallis 'Bonanza' NCG 410 Hemerocallis 'Bonanza'
Daylily 'Bonanza'

As its common name suggests, the large, trumpet-shaped blooms of this sunny plant last only a day, but during the flowering season they appear in abundance. I believe that this variety, which is deep-yellow with rich purple-brown blotches at the centre, is as named, but it was (one of the…

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Hemerocallis 'Sammy Russell' NCG 076 Hemerocallis 'Sammy Russell'
Daylily 'Sammy Russell'

As its common name suggests, the large, trumpet-shaped blooms of this stunning plant last only a day, but during the flowering season they appear in abundance. I believe that this variety, which is deepest red with a yellow throat, is as named, but it was (one of the few decent…

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Hieracium maculatum Syn spilophaeum 'Leopard' NCG 577 Hieracium maculatum Syn spilophaeum 'Leopard'
Spotted hawkweed

An unusual and decorative addition to the front of the border, this variegated form of hawkweed (usually considered a weed!) produces a low rosette of intricately blotched, dark red-brown and blue-green leaves, above which nod small, yellow daisy-like flowers on tall, wiry stems. It is for the foliage that this…

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Hosta syn. funkia x hybrida NCG 472 Hosta syn. funkia x hybrida
Hosta, mixed

The seeds offered were mostly from the variety illustrated, but from a couple of others too. In any case, they are very unlikely to come true, but it could be fun to see that they produce and you may even discover some unique variations of this attractive shade-loving plant!

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Houttuynia cordata NCG 321 Houttuynia cordata
Heart-leaved houttuynia, Fish mint

Description coming soon

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Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' NCG 767 Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon'
Heart-leaved houttuynia 'Chameleon'

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Hylotelephium Syn. Sedum telephium subsp. ruprechtii 'Hab Grey' NCG 412 Hylotelephium Syn. Sedum telephium subsp. ruprechtii 'Hab Grey'
Ruprecht's orpine, Ice Plant 'Hab Grey'

This unusual and most attractive sedum ariety forms clumps of grey-green, fleshy leaves and the flowers are a mixture of cream and pink. It is much loved by bees and other beneficial insects.

NOTE: Depending on season, plants, when available, may be trimmed back and/or barerooted for shipping.

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Hypericum olympicum AGM NCG 564 Hypericum olympicum AGM
Mount Olympus St. John's Wort

A small and very dainty hypericum, well suited to front of border. The flowers, which appear in profusion from early summer above masses of small, grey-green leaves, are a clear yellow, with long, attractive stamens.

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Inula Hookeri NCG 155 Inula Hookeri
Hooker's inula, Hooker's fleabane

This beautiful plant deserves to be better known. The soft, downy stems bear masses of 2 inch diameter bright-yellow daisy-like flowers from late summer to autumn, which go on to develop equally attractive, cream-coloured, fluffy seed heads. The flowers are much loved by butterflies and bees, and the seeds by…

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Ipomoea syn. Mina lobata Syn. versicolor 'Exotic Love' NCG 027 Ipomoea syn. Mina lobata Syn. versicolor 'Exotic Love'
Mina Lobata, Spanish Flag

Recently re-classified as a member of the Ipomoea genus (Ipomoea versicolor) and sometimes referred to as Quamoclit lobata, but still more widely recognised as Mina lobata... whatever you prefer to call it, this stunning half-hardy annual climbing plant is a must! Attractive foliage is followed by spikes of flowers that…

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Iris foetidissima NCG 029 Iris foetidissima
Stinking Iris

An unusual woodland iris with dingy yellow/brown flowers with a purplish tinge, arising from stiff, sword shaped foliage. The flowers are followed by large green seedpods that open to reveal neat rows of bright red seeds. Don't be put off by the name - any smell is only apparent when…

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Iris pseudacorus NCG 510 Iris pseudacorus
Yellow flag, Yellow iris

Although it will grow well in most soils, this iris is particularly happy in aquatic conditions, so is best grown as a marginal plant or in a bog garden. It produces bright-yellow blooms in spring, supported by strong stems clothed in bright-green, sword-shaped foliage.

NOTE: Depending on season, plants, when…

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Kirengeshoma palmata AGM NCG 060 Kirengeshoma palmata AGM
Yellow Wax Bells

A lovely woodland plant. Tall, dark, upright stems bear light green, maple-shaped leaves and the spherical flower buds open to 1in, waxy, pale yellow, bell-shaped blooms in autumn. Choose a well-sheltered site as although strictly speaking hardy, neither new spring growth nor flowers tolerate frost and mature plants do not…

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Kniphofia caulescens NCG 457 Kniphofia caulescens
Caulescent red-hot poker

Description coming soon.

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Lamium Syn. Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. Argentatum 'Herman's Pride' NCG 439 Lamium Syn. Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. Argentatum 'Herman's Pride'
Variegated Yellow Archangel 'Herman's Pride'

A small, variegated nettle with spikes of yellow flowers. A good choice for woodland planting or at the front of shady borders.

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Lathyrus belinensis 'Goldmine' NCG 078 Lathyrus belinensis 'Goldmine'
The Belin Pea

This delightful sweet pea was discovered only in 1998, in Turkey. The flowers are no more than an inch across, yellow and orange with distinctive deep red veins. The leaves are attractive - small and reddish-green. The plant grows to only 3ft or so, making it a useful feature in…

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Lathyrus chloranthus NCG 033 Lathyrus chloranthus
Yellow Sweet Pea

An unusual species sweet pea, the small, unscented flowers are green-yellow. I often grow them up loose wigwams made from buddelia sticks inserted into large tubs, underplanted with lobelia, small antirrhinums and perhaps a lantana in the middle. They are also happy scrambling up trellis.

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Leucanthemella serotina NCG 168 Leucanthemella serotina
Autumn Ox Eye, High Daisy, Giant Daisy

Masses of white daisy flowers about 2 inches across top this tall plant, which is more delicate than the related Leucanthemum superbum. The stems are taller and less lax, seldom needing support. Much recommended, both for the back of the border and as a cut flower.


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Leucanthemum  x superbum NCG 254 Leucanthemum x superbum
Shasta Daisy

Welcome colour at the back end of the year - masses of white daisies 3-4in across in late summer/early autumn, held on tall stems clothed in small, rather shiny, toothed dark-green leaves. Perfect for the back of the border, where it will quickly form a large clump. The stems can…

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Levisticum officinale NCG 541 Levisticum officinale

Description coming soon.

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