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Hieracium maculatum Syn spilophaeum 'Leopard' NCG 577 Hieracium maculatum Syn spilophaeum 'Leopard'
Spotted hawkweed

An unusual and decorative addition to the front of the border, this variegated form of hawkweed (usually considered a weed!) produces a low rosette of intricately blotched, dark red-brown and blue-green leaves, above which nod small, yellow daisy-like flowers on tall, wiry stems. It is for the foliage that this…

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Hyoscyamus niger NCG 026 Hyoscyamus niger
Black Henbane, Stinking Nightshade

Black henbane produces soft, downy leaves and strange, but beautiful, pale creamy-yellow flowers intricately veined in purple. The seed pods are also rather attractive; they have a little round lid which falls off when the pods are ripe, releasing the seeds. All parts of the plant are toxic.

The whole plant…

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Ipomoea purpurea Ex. 'Grandpa Otts' NCG 635 Ipomoea purpurea Ex. 'Grandpa Otts'
Morning glory 'Grandpa Otts'

An abundance of the familiar Morning Glory flowers, but in an intense deep-violet colour that will hit you between the eyes! Although it is possible that not all seeds will come true, I would expect most to do so. Attracts butterflies and other pollinating insects.

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Iris foetidissima NCG 029 Iris foetidissima
Stinking Iris

An unusual woodland iris with dingy yellow/brown flowers with a purplish tinge, arising from stiff, sword shaped foliage. The flowers are followed by large green seedpods that open to reveal neat rows of bright red seeds. Don't be put off by the name - any smell is only apparent when…

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Iris germanica, blue NCG 718 Iris germanica, blue
Bearded iris, blue

I'm not sure of the name of this delightful bearded iris. The blooms, which appear in spring, have dark blue falls and lemon-yellow standards, on strong stems. Much recommended!

NOTE: Depending on season, plants, when available, may be trimmed back and/or barerooted for shipping.

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Iris  germanica, pale blue NCG 719 Iris germanica, pale blue
Bearded iris, pale blue

A dependable, robust bearded iris with a profusion of pale-blue blooms in spring, contrasting well with the grey-green, sword-shaped foliage. Makes a good cut flower.

NOTE: Depending on season, plants, when available, may be trimmed back and/or barerooted for shipping.

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Iris sanguinea AGM NCG 415 Iris sanguinea AGM
Blood-red iris

This delicate iris is perhaps my favourite. The Audrey Hepburn of the iris family... not cheap and gaudy but delicate, composed and very, very classy - a natural beauty! I'm not quite sure how it got its common name; the petals do have a reddish base, but are for the…

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Iris setosa var arctica NCG 243 Iris setosa var arctica
Dwarf Arctic iris

This sweet little iris, standing only a few inches tall, has pale blue flowers with striking veins, and are yellow at the centre, fading to silver. The blooms appear above green, spear-shaped leaves.

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Lathyrus cirrhosus NCG 387 Lathyrus cirrhosus
Cirrhose vetch

A collector's item! This very unusual small but robust, scrambling perennial sweet pea is native to the Pyrenees and forms a dense mound of attractive, grey-green foliage bearing tendrils and many small, pale-pink, unscented blooms from June well into summer. A deceptively robust plant that will do well in relatively…

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Lathyrus odoratus NCG 030 Lathyrus odoratus
Mixed Sweet Pea

This mixture of sweet peas in pink, red, blue, mauve and maybe occasionally pale yellow (lathyrus chloranthus). Something of a Jamboree bag, but will no doubt produce some attractive plants and all will complement each other!

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Lathyrus odoratus 'Cupani' NCG 268 Lathyrus odoratus 'Cupani'
Sweet Pea 'Cupani'

Seeds of this delightful heirloom sweet pea was sent in 1699 by Father Cupani, a Franciscan monk from Sicily, to Dr Robert Uvedale, who resided in Enfield, Middlesex. All our modern sweet peas are descended from these seeds. The flowers, which have dark blue standards and purple wings, are produced…

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Lathyrus odoratus 'Senator' NCG 474 Lathyrus odoratus 'Senator'
Sweet Pea 'Senator' (Heirloom)

A delightfully sweet-scented heirloom variety of sweet pea, usually described as a chocolate maroon flake, and an Eckford introduction from 1891. NOTE: Since other sweet peas are grown in the garden I cannot guarantee that all will breed true, but in my experience most should do so.

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Lathyrus odoratus mixed NCG 383 Lathyrus odoratus mixed

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Lathyrus Syn. Orobus vernus NCG 468 Lathyrus Syn. Orobus vernus
Spring bitter vetch, Spring pea, Spring vetchling

A lovely mound of reddish-purple pea blooms in spring, maturing to purple-blue. A lovely addition to the woodland garden!

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Lavandula angustifolia NCG 397 Lavandula angustifolia
English Lavender

Although lavender seed will not come true, but will produce plants with some variation in colour and form, unless you plan to make a formal feature in your garden this can be a plus... a mass planting of lavender grown from seed, with colours ranging from light mauve to deep…

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Lavandula stoechas NCG 450 Lavandula stoechas
French lavender

The true French lavender. Heads of tiny fragrant purple flowers topped by rosy-purple tracts in late spring and summer. Very aromatic.

NOTE: Plants offered winter 2018/19 are best overwintered in a frost-free greenhouse.

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Linaria purpurea NCG 164 Linaria purpurea
Perennial Toadflax

This delightful plant with its tall spikes of tiny purple or pink flowers resembling miniature snapdragons, which appear from a basal clump of fine, grey-green leaves, is attractive not only to right-minded humans, but to wildlife... it is much loved by butterflies and bees. It flowers from June right through…

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Linum narbonense 'Heavenly Blue' AGM NCG 367 Linum narbonense 'Heavenly Blue' AGM
Perennial flax 'Heavenly Blue'

This charming, usually short-lived, perennial produces masses of clear blue flowers an inch in diameter and dark-green foliage on wiry stems. The flowers last only a day, but new buds burst daily too, so during summer the plant is always full of colour. It will self-seed but is not a…

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Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple' AGM NCG 252 Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple' AGM
Big blue lilyturf

Happiest in part shade and moist soil, Liriope offers interest all year round. It forms clumps of glossy, evergreen, strap-like leaves, which contrast well with spikes of deep purple flowers from late summer and into the autumn. These are followed by glossy black berries. Growing up to about 1 foot…

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Lobelia siphilitica NCG 601 Lobelia siphilitica
Great blue lobelia, Blue cardinal flower

This stately plant, which originates from Northern America, has tall spires of rich-blue or violet, tubular flowers above rosettes of dark green leaves. It much loved by pollinating insects but on the other hand is said to be a herbivore deterrent, which, if it works, will be useful to gardeners…

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